
Proposal for internationalisation solution

AdrienTriquet opened this issue · 3 comments

We are two students in relation with the teacher having opened the issue # 4, we want to translate the game into French. If you are interested we can start by modifying the html to make it translatable into all languages without skills (probable using of jinja2.ext.i18n). So @yestolife you could get it to have a web page in Chinese.
About our next work on the database see #4.
Do not hesitate to come back to us if you have any questions.

Yes, gettext support would be great IMHO.

We definitely love the idea of having this available for people in more languages, but we don't have a lot of resources available to commit to it. The best thing would be a pull request.

Note that currently, it's a static web page served from Github, so we wouldn't be too enthusiastic about a solution that required us to develop and maintain a more complex hosting solution.

We also wouldn't object to people creating and hosting translated versions themselves -- it is MIT licensed, although that license applies better to software. We would only ask two things:

  1. Change the visual style, so that it doesn't look like Knight Lab runs it -- specifically, remove the orange diamond and use different typefaces, and otherwise remove references to Knight Lab, except...
  2. we'd ask to be clearly credited alongside your own team of adaptors/translators/etc -- that is, the existing credit to Knight Lab and individuals who have contributed should be preserved.

we're not currently expecting to invest energy into expanding the English language version, so there isn't a concern about translations picking up future changes.

Thanks for you answers,
Indeed we were planing to do a pull request and so we just did.
Only the translation files need to be filled. We are working on it for French.
We are going to be extra careful about those license issues and we perfectly understand this project is not a priority for you, we simply hope to give you some work good enough for you to implement it.