- Intro to Python
- Data Structures in Python (List, Tuple, Set, Dictionary)
- Control Statements (Decision and Loops)
- Functions and Modules
- K - Nearest Neighbours
- Linear Regression
- Logistic Regression
- Gradient Descent
- Decision Trees
- Support Vector Machines
- K - Means
- Principal component Analysis
- Hyperparameter Tuning
- Car Price Prediction (Regression)
- Airline Sentiment Analysis (NLP - Classification)
- [Spam Detection (NLP - Classification)]
- Adult Income Prediction (Classification)
- Web App Development + Serialization and Deserialization -> To check live website Click Here
- Streamlit Heroku Deployment
- Deployment -> To learn more Click Here
- **NOTE - Above two website links are down for some time
- Introduction to Deep Learning
- Training a Deep Neural Network + TensorFlow.Keras
- Convolutional Neural Network + TensorFlow.Keras
- Recurrent Neural Network (Coming Soon)