
Created with CodeSandbox

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vuefire-analytics brenda Build Status brenda

Tags: continuous test and deployment, travis-ci

This repo demonstrates how travis-ci can be used to automatically run unit tests and coverage reports upon commits to your github repo.


Current Build Status = failing


Change build status to passing


Notice that the current build status is failing

1. Fork the repo

2. Go to Travis-ci and sign up for an account with GITHUB

  • authorize travis-pro to access your repos
  • you should be redirected to this page https://travis-ci.com/account/repositories that says Github Apps Integration
  • press on the green Activate button --> green Approve & Install button

3. Edit README.md

  • On the first line of README.md, replace breadplop/test with <github_username>/vue-deployment-check


github_username = thngktb

# vuefire-analytics brenda [![Build Status brenda](https://travis-ci.com/breadplop/test.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.com/breadplop/test)

# vuefire-analytics brenda [![Build Status brenda](https://travis-ci.com/thngktb/vue-deployment-check.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.com/thngktb/vue-deployment-check)

  • Save and commit change to master (i.e. Scroll to the bottom of the page and press commit changes)
  • Go back to the repo's main page (e.g. https://github.com/breadplop/vue-deployment-check) and wait for about 3 minutes
  • Refresh the main page and you should see build:failing. Click on it to view the failed tests and coverage report.

4. Edit main.spec.js file to change build status to passing

  • Go to main.spec.js file and change line 6 to expect(2).toEqual(3); to expect(2).toEqual(2);
  • Save and commit change to master (i.e. Scroll to the bottom of the page and press commit changes)
  • Go back to the repo's main page (e.g. https://github.com/breadplop/vue-deployment-check) and wait for about 3 minutes
  • Refresh the main page and you should see build:passing

Well done!