Attention Map Guided Vision Transformer Pruning for Occluded Person Re-identification on Edge Device

ViT pruning method based on attention map information for occluded person Re-ID. Including token pruning and head pruning


We prune the attention heads and tokens for compression of the ViT backbone on Market-1501 and Occluded DukeMTMC. The baseline model used is LA-Transformer. We only add the pruning and fine-tuning module. The original training and testing code has no change.




pip install -r requirements.txt

Pretrained Models

We provide pretrained model on google drive for directly pruning. The LA-base on Market-1501 is from the original repository. The LA-tiny on Occluded-Duke and LA-base on Occluded-Duke is trained by ourselves.


Currently two datasets are supported: Market-1501 and Occluded-DukeMTMC.

You can download the Market-1501 on this for the Imagefolder form.

You can download the extract list for Occluded-Duke from here. We modify the for the form of Imagefolder dataloader. The usage is the same with the origin.

The directory should be renamed like:

├── market1501
│   └── train 
│   └── query 
│   └── gallery
├── Occluded_Duke
│   └── train 
│   └── query 
│   └── gallery


train LA-base

python LATransformer/ --name LA-base --model amg_vit_base_patch16_224 --batch-size 32 \
--data-dir [path/to/dataset]

train LA-tiny

python LATransformer/ --name LA-tiny --model amg_vit_tiny_patch16_224 --batch-size 256 \
--data-dir [path/to/dataset]

Pruning and fine-tuning

Make sure you have downloaded or trained the pretrained weights

prune 40% tokens on LA-tiny

python LATransformer/  --name o-duke-ti16-attn40 --model amg_vit_tiny_patch16_224 \
--weight-path [path\to\pretrained-weight] \
--data-dir [path\to\dataset] --batch-size 256 \
--prune_mode attn --prune_rate 0.40 --iter_nums 1 --finetune_nums 0 --final_finetune 10 --lr 1e-4 --wd 1e-3 \
--distill-type soft --distill-alpha 0.2 --distill-tau 1

prune 67% heads on LA-tiny

python LATransformer/  --name o-duke-ti16-head67 --model amg_vit_tiny_patch16_224 \
--weight-path [path\to\pretrained-weight] \
--data-dir [path\to\dataset] --batch-size 256 \
--prune_mode head_entropy --prune_rate 0.67 --iter_nums 24 --finetune_nums 1 --final_finetune 10 --lr 1e-4 --wd 1e-3 \
--distill-type soft --distill-alpha 0.2 --distill-tau 1

Evaluate the Pruned Models

Evaluate on Market-1501

python LATransformer/ --model [model-tpye] --weight-path [path\to\weight] \
--dataset market --batch-size 128 --data-dir [path\to\dataset]

Evaluate on Occluded-DukeMTMC

python LATransformer/ --model [model-tpye] --weight-path [path\to\weight] \
--dataset o-duke --batch-size 128 --data-dir [path\to\dataset]

Results and Models

Pruning Results

Method model dataset MSA param FLOPS Rank1 mAP model link
token 40% LA-Base Market-1501 28.4M 14.8G 97.92 92.32 model
head 40% LA-Base Market-1501 17.0M 15.3G 98.36 92.73 model
head 25% + token 25% LA-Base Market-1501 21.3M 14.6G 98.55 93.06 model
token 40% LA-Tiny Occluded-Duke 1.79M 0.98G 94.61 86.91 model
head 67% LA-Tiny Occluded-Duke 0.60M 0.87G 94.29 86.23 model
head 15% + token 25% LA-Tiny Occluded-Duke 0.60M 0.79G 93.80 85.71 model

