- 0
老师想问一下all_data_pair.txt 文件中 缺少一些doc
#14 opened by YuandZhang - 3
#3 opened by ZiruiYan - 0
lambda tradeoff parameter
#13 opened by ysoo14 - 1
- 1
- 1
Why the build model part of these two files ( and is the same, it should be different from the paper.
#11 opened by guo-huojian - 2
Why run() execute twice?
#2 opened by lpq29743 - 1
Distance for filtering emotion cause pairs
#10 opened by bhshri - 1
- 0 and have same code
#8 opened by ttzhang511 - 1
why step say that: No such file or directory: 'pair_data/P_emotion_1/fold1_train.txt'
#5 opened by calmwalter - 1
What are w_cause and b_cause mean?
#4 opened by lu-ding-tian - 0
- 2
cannot find w2v_200.txt
#1 opened by lyzy