
Support of LI-AR0234CS-STEREO-GMSL2

millertheripper opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi all,

Regarding the repository isaac_ros_argus_camera the LI-AR0234CS-STEREO-GMSL2 camera is officially supported by ISAAC-ROS. I have already set up a camera with ros2 foxy docker on top of Jetpack 4.6.1 + NVIDIA Jetson AGX and I am able to spin up the camera to produce images.

Now I would like to continue with setting up a ros image pipeline to calculate depth data from the camera images. But it seems that the Intel Realsense is the only camera supported by this repository at the moment. What are the required steps to integrate the LI-AR0234-STEREO-GMSL2 camera in order to get depth data?

Thanks and best regards

I was able to get the pipeline running showing the disparity image using the following commands:

Terminal 1:
ros2 run isaac_ros_argus_camera_stereo isaac_ros_argus_camera_stereo --ros-args -p device:=0 -p sensor:=0 -p output_encoding:="rgb8" --remap stereo/left/image_raw:=left/image_rect --remap stereo/left/camera_info:=left/camera_info --remap stereo/right/image_raw:=right/image_rect --remap stereo/right/camera_info:=right/camera_info

Terminal 2:
ros2 run isaac_ros_stereo_image_proc isaac_ros_stereo_image_proc

Terminal 3:
ros2 run image_view disparity_view --ros-args --remap image:=/disparity