ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'nvidia.dali.python_function_plugin'

themattinthehatt opened this issue · 3 comments



Describe the bug.

My build starting failing yesterday due to the import error in the issue title. I expected to be able to pip install DALI and then import DALIGenericIterator without an error.

Minimum reproducible example

pip install nvidia-dali-cuda110
python -c "from nvidia.dali.plugin.pytorch import DALIGenericIterator"

Relevant log output

----> 1 from nvidia.dali.plugin.pytorch import DALIGenericIterator

File /home/zeus/miniconda3/envs/cloudspace/lib/python3.10/site-packages/nvidia/dali/__init__.py:20
     17 __cuda_version__ = int('11.8.89'.replace('.', ''))
     18 __git_sha__ = 'e2ae685702638e3f8fae8091344f0f7ea045a1f9'
---> 20 from . import ops
     21 from . import pipeline
     22 from . import tensors

File /home/zeus/miniconda3/envs/cloudspace/lib/python3.10/site-packages/nvidia/dali/ops/__init__.py:22
     19 import warnings
     20 from itertools import count
---> 22 import nvidia.dali.python_function_plugin
     23 from nvidia.dali import backend as _b
     24 from nvidia.dali import fn as _functional

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'nvidia.dali.python_function_plugin'


No response

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  • I have searched the open bugs/issues and have found no duplicates for this bug report

Hi @themattinthehatt,

Thank you for reporting that. I see the problem affects the package from PyPI. Please try out the one hosted on NVIDIA devzone (by adding --extra-index-url https://pypi.nvidia.com) until we rootcause and fix the issue.

The PyPI issue has been fixed. Please try to reinstall DALI from PyPI again.

yes, can verify that it is working now, thank you for the quick fix!!