State-of-the-Art Deep Learning scripts organized by models - easy to train and deploy with reproducible accuracy and performance on enterprise-grade infrastructure.
Jupyter Notebook
- 1duoSan Fransisco Bay Area
- 201341Shanghai
- agdollaBudapest, Hungary
- akasranjan005Mumbai, India
- austinggHanzhou, China
- BinaryRein
- clion0003Starfive
- cscn89
- eshelman@NVIDIA
- essobiRedactedSec
- farhan333California
- florischabert@apple
- grady1006台灣
- hanrwtddworks,onegai
- hylong
- Koldus@gooddata
- kuangche-james
- lixiuhongPeking University
- merlinzoneThe Institute of Computing Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
- nikiborSpain
- oestebanCentre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudoise
- owenchenAvalanche Computing Taiwan Inc.
- papercatnkuArcSoft
- pooyadavoodiParasail
- ryanleary@NVIDIA
- sangmingdaShanghai,China
- shicaiHangzhou
- swordencaoThe University of Queensland
- tommyjiangMomenta
- uricamic@rossumai
- willard-yuan@meituan -> @kwai
- WinsonguoBeijing
- yeahshowTaipei Veterans General Hospital
- yuhsintsao
- zhanglaplaceBaidu
- zhucanxiangtencent