
A deep learning model for small molecule drug discovery and cheminformatics based on SMILES

Primary LanguagePython



MegaMolBART is a deep learning model for small molecule drug discovery and cheminformatics based on SMILES. MegaMolBART uses NVIDIA's NeMo-Megatron framework, which is designed for the development of large transformer models. More information about MegaMolBART is available in the model guide.

MegaMolBART relies on NeMo. NeMo provides a robust environment for developing, training, and deploying deep learning models, including Megatron models. NeMo provides enhancements to PyTorch Lighting such as hyperparameter configurability with yaml files and checkpoint management. It also enables the development and training of large transformer models using NVIDIA's Megatron framework, which makes multi-GPU, multi-node training with data parallelism, model parallelism, and mixed precision easily configurable. The NeMo User Guide contains more information about all of these features.

The ZINC-15 database is used for pre-training [1]. Approximately 1.45 Billion molecules (SMILES strings) were selected from tranches meeting the following constraints: molecular weight <= 500 Daltons, LogP <= 5, reactivity level was "reactive", and purchasability was "annotated". SMILES formats, including chirality notations, are used as-is from ZINC.

During pre-processing, the compounds are filtered to ensure a maximum length of 512 characters. Train, validation, and test splits are randomly split using a seed as 99% / 0.5% / 0.5%. Data canonicalization and augmentation during training are performed using RDKit via masking and SMILES randomization as described previously [2].

The Quickstart Guide contains configuration information and examples of how to run data processing and training of a small model on a workstation or SLURM-enabled cluster. The tutorial contained in the Quickstart is highly recommended to gain familiarity with how trainings are run and configured. The remainder of this README contains additional information that will be of use for more advanced tasks, such as code development or model configuration changes.

Running example notebook

MegaMolBART v0.2 container encloses all prerequisites for training and inference. Please follow these steps to start MegaMolBART container for inference.

  • Start an instance of the Docker image using the following command:

    # For Docker version 19.03 or later
    docker run \
        --gpus all \
        --rm \
        -p 8888:8888 \
    # For Docker version 19.02 or older
    docker run \
        --runtime nvidia \
        --rm \
        -p 8888:8888 \
  • In a browser open URL http://<<HOSTNAME/IP>>:8888

Development Guide

Configure launch.sh Script

The launch.sh script can be used to build the NeMo MegaMolBART training container, push it to a registry, and to automate the mounting of paths inside the container. The script requires a settings file called .env. This file will automatically be created if it does not exist on first launch, but below is an example of the file. If created manually, it should be named .env and placed in the root of source path. All of the variables are described in the usage section of launch.sh in this directory. Missing variables will be substituted for the defaults in the script.

# Docker Image used for training, inference, and development

# Path to Source code

# Path to data and results file

# HOST port for jupyter lab web interface

# Docker image repository configuration
REGISTRY_ACCESS_TOKEN=$(grep apikey ~/.ngc/config | cut -d' ' -f3)

# wandb API key. ttps://wandb.ai/

# GITHUB configuration only required for building image.

Build Container

Use of the provided container from NGC is highly recommended. However, it is possible to build a container from scratch for customization.

The launch.sh script can be used to build and push containers to a registry. It can also be used to run interactive development jobs on a local system. See the instructions inside the script for more information. Once the .env script is created, a container can be built by running bash launch.sh build. If pushing to a registry is desired, bash launch.sh push will complete this task.

Start examples in dev mode

  • Start developmentment container

    ./launch.sh dev

  • Start inference service by executing the following command in the development container

    python3 -m nemo_chem.models.megamolbart.grpc.service

  • In a browser open URL http://<<HOSTNAME/IP>>:8888

Setup Data Processing and Training Files

The following elements are required to process data or run pre-training.

Model Configuration File

MegaMolBART uses yaml based parameter files. The existing model configuration files can be found in examples/chem/conf and are based on the configurations for Chemformer:

Additional files can be created to suit other configurations. Though data processing does not require an explicit model configuration, one of these files (or the default) must be provided.

Python Run Script(training)

The yaml parameter files are read by the python file megamolbart_pretrain.py which runs the data processing and/or training loop. Typically changes will not need to be made to this file.

Shell Execution Script

The bash scripts found in examples/chem/slurm and examples/chem/shell, respectively, are configurable for the location of system directories for data, results, and (optionally) development code. These files are also used to configure the size of the training run (number of nodes and gpus). Note that multi-node training has been validated on SLURM-based systems.

Data Preprocessing

Download and Pre-Process CSV Data

By default, the python pretrain script uses a subset of the selected ZINC15 tranches to process and train. This is to prevent ~100GB of data from being downloaded accidentally. To process with all of the data from the ZINC15 tranches, the following modification is required:

Change the links_file path from 'conf/dataset/ZINC-downloader-test.txt' to 'conf/dataset/ZINC-downloader.txt' in the config file here

links_file: 'conf/dataset/ZINC-downloader.txt' # to process with all of the ZINC15 data

The data processing can then be run as described in the Data Processing section of the Quickstart Guide. Alternatively, to avoid having to set ++do_training=False from the command line, ensure that the following is set (or added) to the top level of the appropriate yaml config file:

do_training: False # set to false if data preprocessing steps must be completed

Download and Pre-Process Binary Data (BETA)

Training can also be performed using NeMo's Megatron binary data format, which in some cases might further accelerate training times relative to CSV. This data format will first create a CSV version of the data (see above section) if it does not already exist. If a CSV version is already present, it will be used.

To create binary data, ensure the following is added to the model section of the yaml file, during data processing. The binary data format pre-calculates a user-specified maximum number of enumerated SMILES molecules. This can be specified, and a suggested default is 5. Setting the number of enumerations to a very large number will result in larger data files and longer data pre-processing times.

    dataset_format: bin # Set to csv (default) or bin
    num_enumerations: 5 # Set to the number of SMILES enumerations to be stored


Training is performed as described in the Training MegaMolBART section of the Quickstart Guide. One additional feature of note is that ranges of data files can be selected. For example, to select all of the data files (numbered 000 to 146), use the range indicator x[000..146]. For only ten files, use x[000..009]. Ensure these are set as appropriate for the train, validation, and test splits as below in the yaml config file:

    dataset_format: csv # Set to csv (default) or bin
      train: x[000..146]
      test: x[000..146]
      val: x[000..146]

NOTE: Do NOT add an extension to the data file lists. The appropriate extension (csv or bin) is added automatically.

The training can be run as described in the Quickstart Guide. Additional parameters can be set in the yaml configuration file or in the shell/SLURM script as appropriate.

Testing model

Please follow these instructions to inference a trained model.

  1. Add 'MODEL_PATH' in .env file located in the source code root dir. Please ensure the value is the directory on the host machine containing the model file.
  2. Edit 'examples/chem/conf/infer.yaml' to update 'model.model_path'. Change the filename to the desired model name. Please donot change the folder name. e.g.
        model_path: /models/<<CHANGE ME.nemo>>
  3. Execute './launch dev'

To test/verify all inference operations please execute pytests --log-cli-level=10 tests/test_inference.py inside the container.


  1. Sterling T., and Irwin, J., Chem. Inf. Model, 2015, doi.
  2. Irwin R., Dimitriadis S., He J., and Bjerrum E., "Chemformer: A Pre-Trained Transformer for Computational Chemistry", Mach. Learn.: Sci. Technol., 2022, doi.