NvEncoder Open memoryexception error

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I've create multi nvencoder with multi resolution.

4Encoders resolution is each by "4096x2160", "704x480", "1920x1080", "704x480".

With "T4", it work run well.
But with "RTX 3060", can't run.

"RTX 3060" can't run well 3encoders with "4096x2160", "704x480", "704x480".
but when i run as 2encoder with "4096x2160", "1920x1080" -> it has error

  • errors info:
    Unhandled exception at 0x00007FFAE8AFA839 in UniTraffic.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: NVENCException at memory location 0x0000007D7D5FF1F0.(exception thrown from : KernelBase.dll)

but gpu memory and ram has eanough to create new one (gpu memoy usage is 3.2GB(27% used), ram usage 6GB(30% used))

How can i solve this problom?

You have resources to run 20 4K sessions, but
Nvidia decide to allow you only 3 sessions on non Quadro devices.
This is driver limitation search for patched driver.