- 1
NvEncoder Open memoryexception error
#81 opened by osguligit - 0
didn't build in the ubuntu
#80 opened by zranwang - 1
- 3
High memory consumption for decoder
#58 opened by galano25 - 1
Why use int64_t and uint64_t?
#76 opened by shenning00 - 1
- 1
C interfacing
#74 opened by bootrino - 1
HEVC/H.265 encoding through Jetson Nano?
#75 opened by JeyP4 - 4
Write to PPM in device memory example?
#69 opened by mattring - 1
Format checked does not match exception message
#73 opened by bootrino - 2
Question: Can I encoder more than 2 streams?
#71 opened by shi-yan - 5
Visual Studio 2017
#70 opened by raghs7 - 7
Can't compile
#65 opened by jerry10301 - 2
Browser integration
#68 opened by straaljager - 2
Does NvPipe support TX2 & AGX XAVIER
#33 opened by rebotnix - 1
unresolved external symbol _NvPipe_CreateEncoder
#67 opened by kurse - 8
- 4
I can't build Ubuntu
#64 opened by PhilAndrew - 2
Question: Can any h264 decoder decode this?
#63 opened by PhilAndrew - 4
- 7
- 6
#54 opened by MutterOberin - 1
- 2
Unable to compile NvPipe on Windows 10
#60 opened by Suhail - 1
Can't compile / make
#59 opened by Suhail - 5
Docker build & failed to create encoder
#53 opened by AndreFrelicot - 3
- 5
Making under Code::Blocks
#49 opened by ProjectRobal - 1 undefined reference to `cuvidReconfigureDecoder', 'cuvidGetDecodeStatus'
#48 opened by notoriousturtle - 9
- 7
- 5
performance degredation using cudaMallocManaged (Unified Memory) instead of cudaMalloc
#45 opened by mcginty - 1
support YUV inputs
#43 opened by mcginty - 1
out of memory while trying to create encoder
#40 opened by sylvain121 - 2
- 2
No frame decoded (Decoder expects encoded bitstream for a single complete frame. Accumulating partial data or combining multiple frames is not supported
#36 opened by yanpaioo - 0
Running in a docker
#44 opened by pdrak - 1
Trying to create multiple encoder objects
#42 opened by pdrak - 8
- 5
- 5
Interaction with libNPP (might be off topic)
#37 opened by aakshintala - 3
- 5
Provide example for SLI support?
#31 opened by iamrohit1 - 2
Nvpipe does not decode horizontal size of 2000
#30 opened by hoene - 2
Current version does not build
#29 opened by hoene - 1
- 1
Encoding profileGUID
#27 opened by benjha - 4
An C interface to Reconfigure()
#24 opened by hoene - 1
Missing license?
#21 opened by hoene - 1
NvPipe_Destroy(decoder); is missing in
#22 opened by hoene