NvCloth 1.1.6


NvCloth is a library that provides low level access to a cloth solver designed for realtime interactive applications.


  • Fast and robust cloth simulation suitable for games
  • Collision detection and response suitable for animated characters
  • Low level interface with little overhead and easy integration


See ./NvCloth/ReleaseNotes.txt for changes and platform support. See ./NvCloth/docs/documentation/index.html for the release notes, API users guide and compiling instructions. See ./NvCloth/docs/doxy/index.html for the api documentation.

PhysX / PxShared compatibility

Note that 1.1.6 is compatible with the same version of PxShared shipped with PhysX 4.0. Please use 1.1.5 if you are compiling it together with PhysX 3.4.