
Do you know how to use PxSimulationEventCallback?

MoonHJ98 opened this issue · 0 comments

I want to receive events on crash, but I'm not sure how to use PxSimulatoinEventCallback.

 class ContactCallBack : public PxSimulationEventCallback
     // PxSimulationEventCallback을(를) 통해 상속됨
     virtual void onConstraintBreak(PxConstraintInfo * constraints, PxU32 count) override;
     virtual void onWake(PxActor ** actors, PxU32 count) override;
     virtual void onSleep(PxActor ** actors, PxU32 count) override;
     virtual void onContact(const PxContactPairHeader & pairHeader, const PxContactPair * pairs, PxU32 nbPairs) override;
     virtual void onTrigger(PxTriggerPair * pairs, PxU32 count) override;
     virtual void onAdvance(const PxRigidBody * const * bodyBuffer, const PxTransform * poseBuffer, const PxU32 count) 

I created a callback class and put it in the scene

 HRESULT PhysXManager::Initialize()

      PxSceneDesc sceneDesc(physics->getTolerancesScale());
      sceneDesc.gravity = PxVec3(0.f, -9.81f, 0.f);
      dispatcher = PxDefaultCpuDispatcherCreate(2);
      sceneDesc.cpuDispatcher = dispatcher;
      sceneDesc.filterShader = PxDefaultSimulationFilterShader;
      sceneDesc.simulationEventCallback = new ContactCallBack();
      scene = physics->createScene(sceneDesc);


Then shouldn't onContact be called when shapes collide?