
Crash when character controller moves while standing on actor that gets destroyed

jankrassnigg opened this issue · 4 comments

The title pretty much says it all. When a physics object gets deleted (in my tests it's a PxArticulation) on which a character controller is standing, and the CC also moves during that frame, then PhysX crashes.

I was wondering whether this is a timing issue, ie whether I have to update the CC at some other time, ie. before or after the scene simulation, to prevent this issue.

Anyone got any insights?

It's probably because the character controller code hasn't been updated when articulations got introduced. Gut feeling is that the code here should be updated to support articulations:


Good hint, thank you, so at least that means I could fix it on my end. And of course someone can fix it in the soon to be released PhysX 5 ;-)

FWIW I created a repro for this bug and indeed, the fix is simply to add support for articulation links in the file above. Something like this:

	const PxType type = observed->getConcreteType();

	if(type!=PxConcreteType:: eRIGID_DYNAMIC && type!=PxConcreteType:: eRIGID_STATIC && type!=PxConcreteType::eSHAPE && type!=PxConcreteType::eARTICULATION_LINK)

Thanks for checking!