
PVD & Aggregate crash

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Hello, when I create aggregate and insert it to scene and then connect PVD, my application crashes once I want remove actor in aggregate with following callstack:

 	PhysXFoundation_64.dll!`anonymous namespace'::DefaultAssertHandler::operator()(const char * expr, const char * file, int line, bool & ignore) Line 65	C++
 	PhysX_64.dll!physx::Vd::ChangeOjectRefCmd::canRun(physx::pvdsdk::PvdInstanceDataStream & inStream) Line 1456	C++
 	PhysX_64.dll!physx::Vd::changeAggregateSubActors(physx::pvdsdk::PvdDataStream & inStream, const physx::PxAggregate & inObj, const physx::PxActor & inActor, bool pushBack) Line 1497	C++
 	PhysX_64.dll!physx::Vd::PvdMetaDataBinding::detachAggregateActor(physx::pvdsdk::PvdDataStream & inStream, const physx::PxAggregate & inObj, const physx::PxActor & inActor) Line 1505	C++
 	PhysX_64.dll!physx::Vd::ScbScenePvdClient::detachAggregateActor(const physx::Scb::Aggregate * aggregate, physx::Scb::Actor * actor) Line 785	C++
 	PhysX_64.dll!physx::Scb::`anonymous namespace'::PvdDetachActorFromAggregate(physx::Scb::Aggregate * pAggregate, physx::Scb::Actor * pScbActor) Line 156	C++
>	PhysX_64.dll!physx::Scb::Aggregate::removeActor(physx::Scb::Actor & actor, bool reinsert) Line 137	C++
 	PhysX_64.dll!physx::NpAggregate::removeAndReinsert(physx::PxActor & actor, bool reinsert) Line 78	C++
 	PhysX_64.dll!physx::NpAggregate::removeActorAndReinsert(physx::PxActor & actor, bool reinsert) Line 201	C++
 	PhysX_64.dll!physx::NpActor::release(physx::PxActor & owner) Line 181	C++
 	PhysX_64.dll!physx::NpActorTemplate<physx::PxRigidDynamic>::release() Line 80	C++
 	PhysX_64.dll!physx::NpRigidActorTemplate<physx::PxRigidDynamic>::release() Line 207	C++
 	PhysX_64.dll!physx::releaseActorT<physx::PxRigidDynamic,physx::Scb::Body>(physx::NpRigidActorTemplate<physx::PxRigidDynamic> * actor, physx::Scb::Body & scbActor) Line 58	C++
 	PhysX_64.dll!physx::NpRigidDynamic::release() Line 75	C++

In PVD I can also see, that Aggregate section is empty.
This does not happen, when I create aggregate after PVD connection init.

I have noticed that there is commented out following check about instance validity, which would probably solve my crash

PX_FORCE_INLINE void PvdDetachActorFromAggregate(Scb::Aggregate* pAggregate, Scb::Actor* pScbActor)
	Scb::Scene* scbScene = pAggregate->getScbSceneForAPI();
	if(scbScene/*&& scbScene->getScenePvdClient().isInstanceValid(pAggregate)*/)
		scbScene->getScenePvdClient().detachAggregateActor( pAggregate, pScbActor );

But I am afraid there is some bigger issue which causes Aggregate not being inserted. Any hints how to solve it?

I have found that ScbScenePvdClient::sendEntireScene is missing section that sends aggregates
Adding following code there seems to resolved my problem:

// aggregates
  Ps::Array<PxAggregate*> aggregates;
  const PxU32 numAggregates = npScene->getNbAggregates();
  npScene->getAggregates(aggregates.begin(), aggregates.size());

  for (PxU32 i = 0; i < numAggregates; i++)
    PxAggregate* aggregate = aggregates[i];
    mMetaDataBinding.createInstance(*mPvdDataStream, *aggregate, *npScene);

    Ps::Array<PxActor*> aggregateActors;
    const PxU32 numAggActors = aggregate->getNbActors();
    aggregate->getActors(aggregateActors.begin(), aggregateActors.size());

    for (PxU32 j = 0; j < numAggActors; j++)
      mMetaDataBinding.attachAggregateActor(*mPvdDataStream, *aggregate, *aggregateActors[j]);