
PhysX Visual Debugger no longer available

Gobbles opened this issue · 4 comments

Per the title, the visual debugger no longer appears to be available.
4.1 documentation here: https://gameworksdocs.nvidia.com/PhysX/4.1/documentation/physxguide/Manual/VisualDebugger.html#pvd
gives a download location which leads to https://developer.nvidia.com/gameworksdownload#?dn=physx-physx-visual-debugger-pvd-3-0, however none of the PVD download links in there actually leads to the PVD.


Both version 2 and 3 should be available - just type PVD in the search field, top left in screenshot.

Ah, now I understand and can reproduce - the file I download from a release tab seems to be random. I will reported it, thank you for letting us know.

When I download, I get error Maya LT not downloaded.

Download links have been restored