CloudFlare Cache Buster Bot

This bot allows for people with certain roles on certain Discord servers to clear the cache for URLs beginning with a configured prefix.


The following command is made available:

!clearcache <URL>

Where ! can be configured to be something else. This will purge the CloudFlare cache for the given URL by communicating with the Purge Files by URL endpoint.

This will fail if the URL does not begin with the configured URL prefix.


All configuration takes place in config.json. As a starting point, you can copy config.json.example. The fields are:

Name Description
allowed_role_ids An array containing the IDs of roles allowed to purge cache.
allowed_guild_ids An array containing the IDs of guilds where purging can take place.
cf_service_token A CloudFlare service token with the permission #cache_purge:edit.
zone_identifier An identifier for the zone where the purging will take place.
bot_token A bot token for the Discord bot.
url_prefix A prefix that all purged URLs must begin with.
command_prefix The prefix used in front of commands, e.g. '!'.


To run the bot, ensure config.json is present and properly set up, then simply do:

cargo run --release


Logging can be customized with the environment variable RUST_LOG. See env_logger for more info.