
No output in out_experiment folder

Opened this issue · 5 comments

I try to run inference.py without any camera and Ros.
The model can be successfully loaded but there's no result in the 'out experiment' folder.
Could you guys suggest me some possible reasons......may cause such problem?

The line I put in terminal:
' python3 inference.py --data /input/111.png '

If I remember correctly --data is a folder and not an image. Remove 111.png from your query.

Very sorry for the late reply @TontonTremblay
I change it to the folder name but still no output there.
Can the "inference.py" be run independently without being trained? Or should I train my own custom data first?

which data are you trying, which weights, this is a very old approach to pose estimation. This needs weights for a specific object.

Thank you very much!!! I just tried again and got an output.
but the inference results are not that good, I am keep looking into it 😄
my weight used the cracker.pth you provided there.
I didn't download the YCB or HOPE models but took some photos myself.

If there the promotion prints on the box are different, then it will be harder for the network to get good results.