
A new retrieval-based framework for controllable molecule generation.

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

RetMol: Retrieval-based Controllable Molecule Generation

This repo contains codes used in the ICLR 2023 paper:
Retrieval-based Controllable Molecule Generation.

Abstract: Generating new molecules with specified chemical and biological properties via generative models has emerged as a promising direction for drug discovery. However, existing methods require extensive training/fine-tuning with a large dataset, often unavailable in real-world generation tasks. In this work, we propose a new retrieval-based framework for controllable molecule generation. We use a small set of exemplar molecules, i.e., those that (partially) satisfy the design criteria, to steer the pre-trained generative model towards synthesizing molecules that satisfy the given design criteria. We design a retrieval mechanism that retrieves and fuses the exemplar molecules with the input molecule, which is trained by a new self-supervised objective that predicts the nearest neighbor of the input molecule. We also propose an iterative refinement process to dynamically update the generated molecules and retrieval database for better generalization. Our approach is agnostic to the choice of generative models and requires no task-specific fine-tuning. On various tasks ranging from simple design criteria to a challenging real-world scenario for designing lead compounds that bind to the SARS-CoV-2 main protease, we demonstrate our approach extrapolates well beyond the retrieval database, and achieves better performance and wider applicability than previous methods.

Set up

The easiest way to run the code is via the provided docker image. The docker image has several conda environments that enable experimentations without much further configurations.

  1. clone this repo. assume its directory path on your machine is $RetMol_dir
  2. pull the docker image via docker pull moonlightlane/retmol
  3. start a docker container with the command docker run --gpus all -it --name retmol -p 8888:8888 -v $RetMol_dir:/mnt/retmol --shm-size 8G moonlightlane/retmol:latest /bin/bash . Replace $RetMol_dir with this repo's directory path. after this step, you will be inside the docker environment.
  4. run conda activate drug. Then run export PROJECT_HOME=/mnt/retmol , and finally cd /mnt/retmol .
  5. the container can be exited via exit and re-entered via docker start $ID then docker exec -it $ID /bin/bash , where $ID is the identifier number of the docker container. This identifier can be found via docker container ls -all

After these steps, you are almost ready to try out a bunch of things (see below). You may need to download certain files; please refer to each section below for the necessary additional steps.

Code organization

  • MolBART contains the training scripts and the model files
  • inference contains scripts that run various experiments including QED, penalized logP, gsk3+jnk3, and SARS-CoV-2
  • guacamol contains scripts that run the guacamol experiment
  • eval_notebooks contains jupyter notebooks to reproduce results in our paper
  • download_scripts contains scripts to download necessary files for training, inference, and reproducing results

Model checkpoints

The model checkpoints can be downloaded via cd download_scripts then sh download_models.sh . The RetMol checkpoints are now in /mnt/retmol/models/retmol_* (assume this step is done inside the docker container)

Reproduce results in the paper

  1. Download the result files. First cd download_scripts , then sh download_results_reproduce.sh . This will create a directory results_reproduce under $PROJECT_HOME .
  2. Go to the folder eval_notebooks . There are three jupyter notebooks that reproduces plots and visualizations that appear in our paper. These can be run by first running this command inside Docker jupyter notebook --ip --no-browser --allow-root and then open the link in your browser.

Run training

  1. Training leverages the pre-computed molecule similarity data, which can be downloaded by first cd download_scripts and then sh download_data_ret_precompute.sh . This will create a directory data/similarity-precompute under $PROJECT_HOME .
  2. run bash train_megatron_retrieval.sh to train on the ZINC dataset, or bash train_megatron_retrieval_chembl.sh to train on the chebl dataset.

Note that this training only involves a very lightweight information fusion module (< %5 of the total number of model parameters; see Section 2.1 and Appendix A for further details). The rest of the model parameters (e.g., encoder, decoder) are not trained and remain frozen.

Run inference (qed, penalized logp, gsk3-jnk3)

  1. Download the necessary pre-computed similarity and embedding files by cd download_scripts and then sh download_data_ret_precompute.sh . This step can be skipped if it has already been done in the section "run training" above
  2. run export MASTER_PORT=1234
  3. cd inference
  4. each of the experiments can be run as following:
    • for QED experiment: python run_qed.py --model_path models/retmol_zinc --similarity_thres 0.6 --chunk 1
    • For penalized logP experiment: python run_logp-sa.py --model_path models/retmol_zinc --similarity_thres 0.6 --chunk 1
    • for gsk3-jnk3 experiment: python run_gsk3jnk3.py --model_path models/retmol_chembl --test_data_path data/gsk3jnk3/inference_input/inference_inputs.csv --ret_data_path chembl-4attr --ret_mode per-itr-faiss Note that for the first two experiments (QED and penalized logP), the commands above runs for one-eighth (100) of all input molecules (800). The last option, --chunk, with options ranging from 1 to 8, changes which portions of the input molecules to run.

Run inference (guacamol)

  1. Download the necessary files by cd download_scripts and then download_data_guacamol.sh
  2. run the experiment by python run_retrieval_ga.py --benchmark_id 1 . Change the --benchmark_id to run different guacamol benchmarks,

Run inference (SARS-CoV-2)

  1. Get Autodock-GPU:
    1. under $PROJECT_HOME, clone the Autodock-GPU repo: git clone https://github.com/ccsb-scripps/AutoDock-GPU.git
    2. cd AutoDock-GPU
    3. export GPU_INCLUDE_PATH=$YOUR_CUDA_PATH/include ; then export GPU_LIBRARY_PATH=$YOUR_CUDA_PATH/lib64 . You need to identify $YOUR_CUDA_PATH ; for example, $YOUR_CUDA_PATH=/usr/local/cuda-10.2 .
    4. make DEVICE=GPU NUMWI=256 . You can change the last number to some smaller number, i.e., 128 or 64 .
    5. Note: the above steps are necessary because autodock-gpu is built specific to the system's CUDA version; pre-built binary that does not match your system's CUDA version will not work
  2. Download the necessary files via cd download_scripts and sh download_data_cov.sh
  3. Run the experiment via cd inference and python run_cov.py --model_path models/retmol_chembl --sim_thres 0.6


This repo in part utilizes codes from the following:


This work is made available under the Nvidia Source Code License-NC. Please check the LICENSE file.

The model checkpoints are shared under CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0. If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.

This work may be used non-commercially, meaning for research or evaluation purposes only. For business inquiries, please contact researchinquiries@nvidia.com.


Please cite out work if you find it useful:

   author = {{Wang}, Zichao and {Nie}, Weili and {Qiao}, Zhuoran and {Xiao}, Chaowei and {Baraniuk}, Richard and {Anandkumar}, Anima},
   title = {Retrieval-based Controllable Molecule Generation},
   booktitle = {International conference on learning representations (ICLR)},
   year = {2023}