
Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

arXiv NVIDIA Source Code License Python 3.9

Perception Failure Severity Estimation


This repository contains the code for "Task-Aware Risk Estimation of Perception Failures for Autonomous Vehicles", Proceedings of Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS), 2023.



Setting up nuPlan

To run the code you need to install the nuPlan dataset. At the moment only the mini version is required. Follow this guide to download and install the dataset.

This project relies on the environment variables to find the dataset. In your ~/.bashrc (or equivalent), add

export NUPLAN_DATA_ROOT="$HOME/datasets/nuplan/"
export NUPLAN_MAPS_ROOT="$HOME/datasets/nuplan/maps"
export NUPLAN_EXP_ROOT="$HOME/datasets/nuplan/exp"

replacing the path with the one you used. the code expects $NUPLAN_DATA_ROOT to contain the nuplan-v1.1 folder.

Setting up the codebase

In a folder of your choice, run the following commands:

  • Clone this project
git clone https://github.com/NVlabs/perp-fail-severity.git
  • Clone and patch Trajectron++
git clone https://github.com/StanfordASL/Trajectron-plus-plus.git
cd Trajectron-plus-plus
git checkout 1031c7bd1a444273af378c1ec1dcca907ba59830
git apply ../perp-fail-severity/patches/trajectron.patch
cd ..
  • Clone and patch NuPlan-devkit
git clone -b nuplan-devkit-v1.1 https://github.com/motional/nuplan-devkit.git
cd nuplan-devkit
git apply ../perp-fail-severity/patches/nuplan-v1.1.patch
cd ..
  • Install all dependencies
cd perp-fail-severity
poetry install

This will set up the virtual environment with everything you need to run the code.

Note: by default this repository uses CPU-only JAX. If you want to use the GPU version (which requires additional dependencies), comment L24 in pyproject.toml and and uncomment L25. Then run poetry install or poetry update if you installed the dependencies already.

Before being able to run the code you must precompute the HJ-Reachability lookup table. To do so, run

poetry run python3 precompute_value_function.py



The configuration is done through the configs/general.yaml file. To read more about configuration read the configuration guide.

Run the code

To run the code, run

poetry run main

To visualize the scenario with nuBoard, run

poetry run viz experiments/2021-07-01_15-00-00 --nuboard

where experiments/2021-07-01_15-00-00 is the path to the experiment folder.

You get generate a report with

poetry run viz experiments/2021-07-01_15-00-00 --summary

or generate all plots (risk, timing, and confusion matrices) with

poetry run viz experiments/2021-07-01_15-00-00 --plot-all

Additional tasks


This code is formatted with Black (automatically installed). You can format the code from your preferred IDE (e.g., VSCode), or, alternatively, you can run

poetry run poe format

to format all files in the project.

Please: before pushing to git, make sure the project is properly formatted.

Pre-commit hooks

This repository uses pre-commit to make sure the code satisfies basic best practices. To see/edit the hooks please read pre-commit config file. When you clone the repository, the hooks are not automatically enabled, to do so run

poetry run pre-commit install

from now on, all the hooks will automatically execute every time you try to push. If any of the hooks fail, the code will not be pushed.

If you want to manually run all pre-commit hooks on a repository, run poetry run pre-commit run --all-files. This will check that staged and committed files are compliant.


  • To use nuBoard from a remote machine you might need to setup port forwarding. On your machine run ssh -NfL localhost:5006:localhost:5006 <user>@<remote>.
  • To omit debug log, run export LOGURU_LEVEL=INFO in the terminal session


If you use this code or the dataset, please cite the following paper:

    title     = {Task-Aware Risk Estimation of Perception Failures for Autonomous Vehicles},
    author    = {P. Antonante, S. Veer, K. Leung, X. Weng, L. Carlone and M. Pavone},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of Robotics: Science and Systems},
    year      = {2023},


The source code is released under the NSCL licence. The preprocessed dataset and pretrained models are under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 licence.