
Weird motion of the target mug in franka_reacher

alaflaquiere-sony opened this issue · 2 comments

Thank you for providing your code.

I've been trying to run the franka_reacher.py demo, but I'm getting a surprising behavior from the target (red) mug. It falls through the table, and then progressively slides to a corner of the environment (see attached video).

Is that the expected behavior?
I'm guessing it is not, especially because the behavior of the robot is significantly different when setting the vis_ee_target variable to False. In that case, the robot tries to reach an (invisible) target in front of it, which looks much more like a proper demo.

Any help with this weird behavior?


From the Actor dropdown menu, select the target_ee_mug and then go to Pose Override to manipulate the position of the target mug.

Yes, I did this. But I wondered if that was the desired behavior, as I would have expected a predefined motion for the target mug.