
A quickstart template for PluginPlay plugin libraries.

Primary LanguageCMake

Plugin Template

This repository is intended to be used as a quickstart for writing a plugin library consistent with PluginPlay.

Generating the New Plugin

This template is generated with the Cookiecutter package:

# Install cookiecutter, if not already
$ pip install cookiecutter
# Generate the template
$ cookiecutter https://github.com/NWChemEx/PluginTemplate.git

Follow the resulting two prompts to generate your plugin. The resulting directory will contain the following:

  • version.txt - Holds the version of the plugin. Used by CMakeLists.txt.
  • default_toolchain.cmake - A simple CMake toolchain. Ignored by Git.
  • include/{plugin_name}/{plugin_name}.hpp - An initial courtesy header file.
  • include/{plugin_name}/{plugin_name}_mm.hpp - A header file declaring the plugin.
  • src/{plugin_name}/{plugin_name}_mm.cpp - A source file defining the the plugin.
  • tests/unit_tests/test_main.cpp - A main source file for a Catch2 test.
  • tests/unit_tests/test_load_modules.cpp - A source file for a test of the load_modules function.

These files constitute a bare plugin library and a simple test for the load_modules function. New modules and property types can be added and registered following the PluginPlay tutorials. The resulting library will depend on SimDE. See here for the further info on SimDE's dependencies. You can configure, build, and test the new plugin as follows:

$ cmake -Bbuild -H. -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=./default_toolchain.cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=./install
$ cmake --build build --parallel 2
$ cd build
$ ctest -VV

At this point, you can initialize git and set up remotes:

$ git init
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Initial State"
$ git remote add origin {Your Remote Repo}
$ git push -u origin master


