- default animation for welcome ✅
- navbar not responsding???? ✅
- tooltip ✅
- fix screen size issue! ✅
- media queries:
    - x = 458
    - starry effect < 685 breaks
- check out CSS reset from game of life for this one 
    - done with materialUI
        - check container poperties
- recolor skill icons ✅
- nav style for selected option ✅
- tab icon


- pdf previewer
- tranisition animation between welcome and info display
- transition animation between about, skills, projects
- skills
    -icon spinner when hover / click on skill tile
- about 
    - spinning lambda icon
- projects
    - modal / zoom for images
    - scroll for more than 4 projects
    - view type?
        - grid
        - list

Resource Credits