Udacity Website Optimization Project by Jacob Sherman

This is a submission for Udacity's Front End Developer NanoDegree.

The goal of the project is to obtain pagespeed scores above 90 on ./index.html and meet the specs for page refresh 60fps on ./views/pizza.html

./index.html 93/95 pagespeed

  • replaced google webfont with css font family
  • inline css and media query for print.css
  • moved scripts to bottom and async google analytics
  • optimize image sizes and image formats, moved href images to local dir
  • minified html, inlined css, compress images, use strict in perfmatters.js

./views/pizza.html 60fps

  • first submission included various styling changes that violated spec, unfortunately :(
  • refactored html using proper Bootstrap syntax and used Bootstrap 4alpha
  • redesigned layout and color scheme including flexbox based responsive (hamburger menu) navbar at top
  • slider also changes text for pizza size text
  • moving pizzas have css: will-change and transform properties
  • updatePositions now does phase calculations outside of loop
  • updatePositions populations array of phase values using loop
  • number of moving pizzas based on window size with 8 columns.
  • number of random pizzas based on browser window and image dimensions

build process

  • a streamlined build process was not implemented because of difficulties maintaining directory structure withing gulp
  • gulp used to compress images, minify html, js and css
  • gulp process could be improved and simplified if directory structure streamlined. This caused many headaches trying to configure gulp.


  • experimented with moving updatePositions to a webworker but this did not seem to work because of limitations of web worker scope.
  • tried using requestAnimationFrame but caused a lot more jank
  • need to improve gulp build process
