Data Engineering Quality Control and Assurance Application

This web application displays charts and tables to assess the consistency, quality and completeness of a particular build of one of data engineering's data products.

The deployed app is at

It's written in Python using the streamlit framework.


To deploy the app, run the github action Deploy to Dokku - production.

NOTE: This will deploy the app using code in the branch chosen in the "Run workflow" dropdown.

To test changes, run the app locally using the devcontainer (especially via VS Code):

  1. From a dev container terminal, run ./

  2. If in VS Code, a popup should appear with an option to navigate to the site in a browser

  3. If an error of Access to localhost was denied appears in the browser, try navigating to rather than localhost:5000

If running GRU qaqc, or working at all on github api functionality, you'll need a personal access token. The app assumes its stored in the env variable GHP_TOKEN.

Env Variables and Deployment

The deployed app does not have a .env file to import environment variables from. If a new environment variable is expected to exist in the the deployed dokku instance, use the following steps (source):

  1. In Digital Ocean, navigate to the dokku instance and open a Console (aka terminal)

  2. Check the current environment variables using

    dokku config edm-data-engineering
  3. Set the new environment variable using

    dokku config:set edm-data-engineering VAR=Value