- 1
[ztl] Zoning Tax Lots Bulk Load
#22 opened by aferrar - 1
[ztl] Zoning Tax Lots Bulk Load
#21 opened by croswell81 - 0
Maintenance: Spatial boundary standardization
#20 opened by mgraber - 0
Maintenance: Clarify which recipes require a dispatch and which are app-loadable
#18 opened by mgraber - 0
Maintenance: Clean up recipes.csv for out-of-date and no-longer-relevant recipes
#19 opened by mgraber - 1
[ztl] Zoning Tax Lots Bulk Load
#16 opened by SPTKL - 1
1125 record have a value in the geom source filed but no geometry. This shouldn't happen.
#15 opened by AmandaDoyle - 1
Fix dpr_capitalprojects json to pandas
#13 opened by mgraber - 1
time change for DOB weekly pull
#7 opened by td928 - 0
- 0
dof cama file cannot load
#1 opened by SPTKL