As of September 2020, this app is no longer in use at NYPL, and the current implementation is Drupal-based for details pages (, and the "Location Finder" search is built in the Scout app ( Please contact the DXP/RENO team in Digital for more information.
NYPL's new Locations section. Features a smart search that filters through 92 different library branches and also geocodes zipcodes and address. There is also a geolocation component for users who are on the go.
Every branch has an updated page layout with events, exhibitions, staff blog posts, featured content, and highlighted amenities. Research branches also display their divisions and divisions now have their own page with their own subdivisions, blog posts, and events.
The backend is supported by Sinatra. To get all the Ruby dependencies, run:
bundle install
Node and npm are needed to install front-end dependencies and tools.
If node is not available on your computer, install it from This is also download and install npm.
To get all the front end dependencies, run:
bower install
The .bowerrc
file in the root directory will tell bower to install all the dependencies in public/bower_components
To be able to run unit tests, Protractor end-to-end tests, and Grunt commands, run:
sudo npm install
This will install all the necessary node modules in the node_modules
Checkout the development
branch and run
bundle exec rackup
to start the server in the default development
environment. The app will be available on http://localhost:9292/
There are four different enviroments that the Locinator can be run in:
- local
- development
- qa
- production
Every enviroment has a set of specific environments variables that the app uses, such as:
- API version
- Google Analytics tracking code
- Optimizely link
- CDN for static files
Running bundle exec rackup
on each of the development, qa, or production branches will start the app in its respective default development, qa, and production environment.
Since new features are tested on the development branch, we want to switch environments without switching branches. To do so we start the Sinatra app telling it what environment we want in the LOCINATOR_ENV variable.
LOCINATOR_ENV=development bundle exec rackup
will start the app in the development environment. Likewise, running
LOCINATOR_ENV=production bundle exec rackup
will start the app in the production environment.
A list of all the dependencies used in the Locinator, Locations project.
Third Party
- jQuery
- AngularJs v1.3.15
- ngSanitize
- ngAnimate
- ui-router
- Angulartics
- Angular Translate
- newrelic-timing
- Underscore.js
NYPL Components These are internal modules found in public/scripts/components.
- nyplAlerts
- nypl_alerts.js - Module that provides an AngularJS Provider, Directives and Service methods to sort, filter and display site-wide/location based alerts from a given API endpoint.
- nyplBreadcrumbs
- nypl_breadcrumbs.js - Module that provides an AngularJS directive for breacrumbs navigation.
- nyplFeedback
- nypl_feedback.js - Module that provides a small, fixed feedback button on the page that opens up a Survey Monkey survey.
- nyplNavigation
- nypl_navigation.js - Module that provides an AngularJS directive for the main header navigation and mobile actions.
- nyplSearch
- nypl_search.js - Module that provides an AngularJS directive for searching on Bibliocommons or on
- nyplSSO
- nypl_sso.js - Module that provides an AngularJS directive for displaying the mobile and desktop SSO login and the ability to log on to Bibliocommons on any page.
- locationService
- nypl_location.api.js - Module that first retrieves the internal configuration variables to call the correct API and its endpoints.
- coordinateService
- nypl_coordinates.js - Module to check if geolocation is available on the browser, get user current coordinates, and calculate two-point distances.
Testing is awesome but is rather complicated to set up. We run two sets of tests for the Locinator.
- Unit tests: Jasmine and Karma are used to test the AngularJs code for the Locinator.
- End-to-end tests: AngularJS's Protractor E2E test framework is used to test the full stack app on different browsers and simulate user interactions.
To find out more about our tests and how to run them, please read the README file in /test.
ngdocs, a flavor of jsdoc, is currently being used to document our AngularJS app. Grunt and grunt-ngdocs are used to run a Grunt ngdocs task and generate documentation as a website.
To generate the documentation website, run:
grunt ngdocumentation
This will generate an 'ngdoc' folder in the root directory which must be viewed in a server. Perform the following commands to start a very simple server to see the documentation at localhost:8080:
cd ngdocs
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080
To learn more about how to document, please see codeDocumentation.
The repo of NYPLBase
is here.
To integrate with the styles from NYPLBase
, we have to reference the source of NYPLBase
, hosted by the UX-Static
You can find the repo here,
And in the root folder of Locations App
, find the file, locinator.json
. You will see different environments and their configurations. The configuration of nyplbase
is the one that points to the stylesheets from UX-Static
. We have two different sources,
master: //
staging: //
Change the source for the environment you want to have the styles from NYPLBase
. Also, make sure version(0.2.0
, for example) matches the version you want from UX-Static
Run Locations App
in the correct environment, and the updates should be applied.
We can test how the CSS min files of NYPLBase
work on Locations App
directly. First, disable the current stylesheet from Cloudfront in views/index.erb
by removing or commenting out the line, <link rel="stylesheet" href="<%= settings.env_config['nyplbase'] %>" type="text/css" media="screen" />
. Second, add <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/nyplbaseTest.min.css" type="text/css" />
in the same file, view/index.erb
. Last, create a new file named nyplbaseTest.min.css
in the folder public/css
and paste the contents from nyplbaseTest.min.css
to this folder. To compile the correct nyplbaseTest.min.css
at NYPLBase
, please check its documentation.
Run Locations App, it should pick up the styles you created at NYPLBase.