
As of September 2024, this repo is deprecated. See the instructions in the nypl-header-app repo for using the new NYPL Header and Footer.

NYPL React Header App

React NYPL Header Web Application.



Branch Status
master Build Status
qa Build Status
development Build Status

Node Configuration

Pass in the following environment variables:

  • PORT: Desired port where the server will reside (default: 3001).

  • NODE_ENV: Sets up the app to be minified using production. Otherwise, it will default to development mode in Webpack.

Dynamic Embedded Header Usage

The Header is a standalone application that can potentially be picked up by many different applications. Currently, Locations, Staff Profiles, Research Divisions, Old Drupal, and New Drupal use the production build of this repo to import the Header into their application. There are differences in how the Header is pulled in and configurations for the nav links and skip navigation.

Embeddable Script

Locations, Staff Profiles, and Research Divisions all pull in the Header through an embeddable standalone script tag that should be used in the <body> element of the main HTML file (or any other HTML files in the app). Since the Header loads dynamically, the script is surrounded by optional HTML markup and styles so that the top part of the page doesn't jump and cause a flash. It is suggested that the Header be imported as a whole with the following markup:

<!-- Header -->
<div id="Header-Placeholder">
        #Header-Placeholder {
            min-height: 70px;
        @media screen and (min-width: 1024px) {
            #Header-Placeholder {
                min-height: 230px;
    <script type="text/javascript" src="" async></script>

There are configurations that can be passed into the header script to enable/configure a few features.

  • urls - The accepted values are relative/absolute, with relative as the default. This outputs the main navigation links as either relative to the app or absolute. For apps that will not live on an path, it's best to pass urls=absolute into the configuration. Otherwise, the navigation will render links relative to the app which may not exist.
  • skipNav - The id of the <main> element on the app where the Header is being imported. If this configuration is being enabled, make sure to also add a tabindex attribute of -1 to the main element. This will allow the Header to programmatically focus on the main content.
<main id="main-content" tabindex="-1">
  <!-- app goes here -->

Drupal Import

We call this the Drupal import way of rendering the Header because it's the only site that imports the Header in this way. This app has a /header-markup endpoint that can be used to get only the HTML markup for the header. Any app can use that markup as they wish, but it won't be interactive or styled unless they import the corresponding CSS and JS files as well.

NOTE - It is important to know that if you follow this approach, you are free to but responsible for importing all the files together and rendering them correctly along with your own app's production build.


Install all NPM dependencies listed under package.json

$ npm install

Running the Application

Development Mode

We use Webpack to fire off a hot-reloading development server. This allows for continuous code changes without the need to refresh your browser.

$ npm start // Starts localhost:3001

Production Mode

To replicate the application in a production state. We execute 2 npm scripts with the proper ENV variables. By using NODE_ENV=production, we disable the hot-reload server. In addition, the production Webpack configuration by is set by running npm run dist.

  • Step 1: Build the distribution assets into ./dist/
$ npm run dist
  • Step 2: Starts the Node/Express server in localhost:3001.
$ NODE_ENV=production npm start

GIT Workflow

We follow a feature-branch workflow. If you need to introduce/update the application code, you SHOULD:

  • Create a new branch off the development branch
  • Send a PR pointing to the development branch upon completion
  • Once the PR is approved, it should be merged into the development branch
  • If there are several PR's in process, a release should be scheduled by merging all completed PR's into the development branch
  • When a release is to be deployed, the development branch will be merged into master
  • All releases merged into master, MUST be tagged and pushed to Github with their corresponding version

AWS Elastic Beanstalk Application Settings

By using the aws-cli, developers can deploy the Header App to the desired AWS application environments listed below:

AWS Profile Application Name Environment
nypl-digital-dev nypl-header-app QA: nypl-header-qa

Production: nypl-header-production
nypl-sandbox nypl-header-app Development: nypl-header-development

Note: All QA and Development servers should be configured with only 1 instance. Production servers are typically setup with auto-scaling supporting 2 or more instances.

AWS Deployment


Developers SHOULD target the proper environment when deploying the application for review. Using their proper profile credentials, developers will execute the eb deploy command to deploy a new version of the application on AWS.


In our AWS production environment, we have defined a CI/CD pipeline via Travis CI to automatically:

  • Run the npm task to build the distribution assets as a safety prior to deployment
  • Execute the deploy hook only for production for AWS Elastic Beanstalk to deploy the new updates merged into master. This occurs only if the build phase is successful
  • Developers do not need to manually deploy the application unless an error occurred via Travis

Header Component Development

This repository deploys an instance of the Header app which is used for multiple applications as both an embedded dynamic script and as a means to distribute static HTML markup to use for scrapping by other apps.

The main work for the NYPL Header is done in the component dgx-header-component. If a change is done there and wants to be deployed to the development or qa instances of the Header app, then that change needs to be done in the package.json file.

There are changes we'd like to deploy that can't always be tested locally for a wider audience. For example, functional and design changes to the log in menu should be deployed for the QA team on the development or qa instance. A developer can test changes in the dgx-header-component locally by configuring their host settings to have localhost:3001 point to to test the log in cookie and JSON Web Token (JWT) authentication. For a wider audience, we want to deploy this on for example, and then test on to be able to log in successfully. (To create an alias domain mapping, update /etc/hosts with where you want localhost to point to, such as

In order to make changes and deploy them, update the reference to @nypl/dgx-header-component in package.json to point to the working branch in Github. For example, update:

"@nypl/dgx-header-component": "2.7.1",


"@nypl/dgx-header-component": "git+",

Make sure that name-of-feature-branch is pushed to Github and public in order for Travis and AWS to pick it up. This repo for the Header app should have its own feature branch with this updated header component feature branch change. Then a developer can manually deploy to development or qa for testing.