orders - NYU Devops
This project is the back end for an eCommerce web site as a RESTful microservice for the resource order. An order is a collection of order items created from products and quantity. This microservice supports the complete Create, Read, Update, & Delete (CRUD) lifecycle calls plus List, Query, and Cancel.
The easiest way to run this project is with Vagrant and VirtualBox. If you don't have these softwares, download and install them first.
Then, all you have to do is clone this repo and invoke vagrant:
$ git clone https://github.com/NYU-Devops-2020-Orders-Team/orders.git
$ cd orders
$ vagrant up
$ vagrant ssh
$ cd /vagrant
To run the Flask server, use
$ FLASK_APP=service:app flask run -h
Running the Tests and Pylint
You can run the tests using nose
$ nosetests
Also, you can run Pylint as the following. Our current score is 9.87/10.
$ pylint --rcfile=pylint.conf **/*.py
When you are done, you can exit and shut down the vm with:
$ exit
$ vagrant halt
If the VM is no longer needed you can remove it with:
$ vagrant destroy
What's featured in the project?
Endpoint | Method | Path | Description |
index | GET | / | |
create_orders | POST | /orders | Create an order based the data in the body that is posted |
list_orders | GET | /orders | Return all of the Orders |
get_orders | GET | /orders/<int:order_id> | Retrieve a single Order |
update_orders | PUT | /orders/<int:order_id> | update an Order based the body that is posted |
update_order_items | PUT | /orders/<int:order_id>/items/<int:item_id> | Update an Order item based the body that is posted |
delete_orders | DELETE | /orders/<int:order_id> | Delete an Order based the id specified in the path |
cancel_orders | PUT | /orders/<int:order_id>/cancel | Cancel all the items of the Order that have not been shipped yet |
cancel_item | PUT | /orders/<int:order_id>/items/<int:item_id>/cancel | Cancel a single item in the Order that have not been shipped yet |
ship_orders | PUT | /orders/<int:order_id>/ship | Ship all the items in an Order |
ship_item | PUT | /orders/<int:order_id>/items/<int:item_id>/ship | Ship a single item in the Order that have not been cancelled or delivered yet |
deliver_orders | PUT | /orders/<int:order_id>/deliver | Deliver all the items in an Order |
deliver_item | PUT | /orders/<int:order_id>/items/<int:item_id>/deliver | Deliver a single item in the Order that has been shipped but not delivered or cancelled |
We've used PostgreSQL for persistence.
Column | Type | Constraints |
id | Integer | Primary Key |
customer_id | Integer | |
created_at | Datetime |
Order Item:
Column | Type | Constraints |
item_id | Integer | Primary Key |
product_id | Integer | |
quantity | Integer | |
price | Float | |
status | String | |
order_id | Integer | Foreign Key |
The project contains the following:
└── ISSUE_TEMLATE.md - github issue template
service/ - service python package
├── __init__.py - package initializer
├── models.py - module with business models
└── service.py - module with service routes
tests/ - test cases package
├── __init__.py - package initializer
├── order_factory.py - order factory
├── test_order_items.py - test suite for the order item model
├── test_orders.py - test suite for the order model
└── test_service.py - test suite for service routes
.coveragerc - settings file for code coverage options
.dockerignore - file that prevents files from being added to the initial build context in docker build
.gitignore - file that specifies intentionally untracked files that Git should ignore
Dockerfile - Docker file that contains all the commands a user could call on the command line to assemble an image
Vagrantfile - Vagrant file that installs Python 3 and PostgreSQL
guincorn.conf.py - configuration file for Gunicorn
config.py - configuration parameters
requirements.txt - file that lists if Python libraries required by your code
setup.cfg - configuration file for the behavior of the various setup commands