
Static site generator for Open Square, NYU Press's Open Access reading platform

Primary LanguageHTML

Static pages for Open Square: Knowledge without Boundaries

URL: https://opensquare.nyupress.org/

Open Square is NYU Press’s platform for publishing and reading open access books. It is comprised of static HTML pages used for the home page, subject pages, book details, etc; a Javascript search application; and the book-reading application itself.

This repo holds the content, configurations, and theme for the static pages. It uses Hugo (https://gohugo.io/), the world’s fastest framework for building websites.


Install JQ (if you need to refresh data source)

  • brew install jq

Install Hugo

  • brew install hugo


If refreshing the content:

To build: use the hugo command, with the -e (environment) option, and one of the environments set up in config directory, for example

  • hugo --enableGitInfo --cleanDestinationDir --ignoreCache -e local
  • hugo --cleanDestinationDir --ignoreCache -e dev
  • hugo --cleanDestinationDir --ignoreCache -e stage
  • hugo --enableGitInfo --cleanDestinationDir --ignoreCache -e production
  • hugo --enableGitInfo --cleanDestinationDir --ignoreCache --minify -e production

For hot reload: use the hugo server command, with the -b (baseurl) option, for example,

Associated Repositories

The Vue.js / Solr search application: https://github.com/NYULibraries/dlts-open-square-search-application

The builder for the reader: https://github.com/NYULibraries/dlts-readium-js-viewer

The plugin for the reader (automatically installed by the builder above): https://github.com/NYULibraries/dlts-rjs-plugin-open-square