
ExLibris Primo view package for NYU

Primary LanguageCSS

primo-explore-nyu has been consolidated into the monorepo primo-explore-views

Github commits (since latest release)

CircleCI Docker Repository on Quay

NYU Primo-explore package

This the NYU Libraries primo-explore view package.

For more information about primo-explore views please review the example package that this package was cloned from: https://github.com/ExLibrisGroup/primo-explore-package.

For information about developing in the primo-explore UI please review that relevant repository: https://github.com/ExLibrisGroup/primo-explore-devenv

For more information about NYU's customizations read the wiki.

Run the Development Environment (only in Docker)

With recommended volumes enabled in the docker-compose.yml:

With Docker and docker-compose installed:

  1. Configure docker-compose.yml to fit your institutional setup in the x-environment section.
  2. docker-compose build web
  3. VIEW=NYU docker-compose up web

On your local machine, the developer server will be accessible at http://localhost:8004/primo-explore/search?vid={VIEW}

Within the docker network, this will be accordingly be accessible at the address http://web:8004

Developing in-tandem with CENTRAL_PACKAGE

You can mount your local central-package directory with compiled assets to the container's own CENTRAL_PACKAGE

  - /path/to/primo-explore-central-package:/primo-explore/custom/CENTRAL_PACKAGE

If you need to actively develop with your local view and central package together, you can perform the following separate containerized processes.

primo-explore-central-package: Mount local central package rep to volumes

  - ./:/primo-explore/custom/CENTRAL_PACKAGE

then run service web (without exposing ports) to dynamically recompile JS/CSS.

docker-compose run web


docker-compose up web

Build a Package (only in Docker)

With recommended volumes enabled in the docker-compose.yml:

NODE_ENV=[stage] docker-compose run create-package

This will output a package to your ./packages/ directory

Run Tests

Integration/end-to-end testing has been implemented in cypress. Cypress can run in its own container connected to a running web-test service.

Simply execute:

docker-compose run e2e