
A process manager called PMan (custom linux shell) that supports running and managing background processes running on the operating system.

Primary LanguageC


A process manager called PMan (custom linux shell) that supports running and managing background processes running on the operating system.

Procedures for Running Process Manager PMan

[Note: PMan code runs on linux environments

  1. To compile code: On terminal execute make command.

  2. Ensure executable files (*.o) of testing programs are present within the same directory (PMan folder).

  3. Ensure these executable files (*.o) of testing programs were compiled in the linux system.

  4. If no executable files (*.o) of testing programs are available, include the (*.c) files of the programs in question and add the following compiling code to the Makefile.

         all: pman inf <filename>
         <filename>: <filename>.c
             gcc -o <filename> <filename>.c
  5. To run PMan executable: On terminal execute ./PMan command.

The PMan: > is comprised of 6 commands:

  1. bg [ In which process starts running in the background ]
  2. bglist [ In which all processes commenced by the system will be listed ]
  3. bgkill [ In which the process with process id will be terminated ]
  4. bgstop [ In which the process with process id will be stopped ]
  5. bgstart [ In which the process with process id will be restarted ]
  6. pstat [ In which the process with process id will have /proc information displayed ]