


TO DO: - major stuff

  1. Write description and installation guide
  2. Make an overlay that will put bounding boxes around faces with the ability to add names/classes underneath the bounding box
  3. Make the recognition process happen in a concurrent loop
  4. Implement more algorithms - fisherfaces, lbp, modular pca.
  5. Make the application wait between it's recognition processes
  6. write a little algorithm to basically guess if a new bounding box is likely to be the same face as the last one. Basically this should just say if the box is a similar size and in a similar location it is likely to be the same person. With this, the application then would need a verificaition process every so many seconds.
  7. Change the training to use incremental training

TO DO: - minor stuff

  1. Give the application 2 icons, RCamera & RConfig
  2. Implement a face database viewer and the ability to add people/faces
  3. Draw some custom icons to use for the app.
  4. Add options menus
  5. Make it so you can change the orientation.