The TODO App allows a user to add reminders of things they need to do. Here are the requirements for the app.
- Users can add, delete and see their todos.
- All the todos are private, users can't see other user's todos.
- Users must be logged in order to add/delete/see their todos.
- username: user1
- password: user1
- docker
- docker-compose
- A github account
/!\ You need to fork this repository. See How to submit your work?
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
docker-compose exec web composer install
You can change the database connection from the file config/config.yml
You will be asked to improve the code of this app with the following tasks.
You can complete the tasks in any order.
- Separate your commits by task and use the following format for your commit messages: TASK-{task number}: {meaningful message}
- We care about UI/UX, any attention to detail in the UI will be noticed. Please dont hack in UI changes.
- Simple clear code comments are helpful.
- TASK 1: As a user I can mark a todo as completed.
- TASK 2: Using JQuery, Vue.js, or React render the todo list dynamically and allow the delete and completed buttons to work via Ajax
We care about the user experience here, this might be animation?
Extra tasks:
- Fix any bugs you may find.
- Fix any security issues you may find.
- Adding a few unit tests to show us that you understand how they work is a bonus.
This app use Silex, a micro-framework based on the Symfony2 Components. Documentation can be found here:
And you're done!
More documentation on Github: