
A web application for managing courses.

Primary LanguageJava


A Spring/Java WebApp for managing University Courses, built using the MVC architecture. The users of the application have the ability to:

  • Login with their account and view their taught Courses
  • Add an upcoming Course for the next semester or update the information of an existing one
  • Have access to a statistical overview of each Course's final grades (Min, Max, Mean, Median, Skewness, Kurtosis, st. Deviation and Variance)
  • Manage the Students who enrolled in the course:
    • Add, edit or remove a student to/from the Student List
    • Configure each student's Project and Exam Grades

Technologies Used

  • Java and Springboot for the main code, following the MVC pattern
  • MySQL to build a simple database containing the Courses and the Students Registrations
  • HTML and the Thymeleaf engine to display the Webpage Frontend
  • Eclipse for the Projet Development
  • JUnit and Mockito to create Unit Tests for the code
  • Apache Math API to provide the Courses' statistic data


The Main View:


Students List of the Course "Software Engineering":


Enrol a Student to the Course:


View the Course's Statistics:
