
[NeurIPS 2023] Semantic segmentation of sparse irregular point clouds for leaf/wood discrimination

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

SOUL (Semantic segmentation On ULs)


Semantic segmentation of sparse irregular point clouds for leaf/wood discrimination

Yuchen BAI, Jean-Baptiste Durand, Florence Forbes, Grégoire Vincent

Université Grenoble-Alpes, Inria, AMAP


[2024-05-22] The epoch 0 weights of SOUL are available.

[2023-10-02] The dataset used in the article is open access now: https://zenodo.org/record/8398853

[2023-09-22] This paper is accepted by NeurIPS 2023! 🎉

1. Installation

1.1 System

Normally, the code is able to be executed on all linux-like system. (Or, only python and a few packages are need.)

1.2 Create env on conda

You will need to install all packages in the requirements.txt file. Executing the routine requiresminiconda (Anaconda will certainly work).

cd path-to-code/phd_mission
conda env create -f phd_mission.yml
  • If you have any difficulties or find any bugs, please get in touch and I will try to help you get it going. Suggestions for improvements are greatly appreciated.

  • If you have an available Nvidia GPU, the code will use it automatically. If not, CPU will be used for training and prediction.

  • If you have problem with torch, use code below to install specific torch version:

    pip install torch==1.7.1+cu110 torchvision==0.8.2+cu110 torchaudio==0.7.2 -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html
  • if you have problem with laspy:

    pip install laspy[lazrs,laszip]
  • You may need to install the missing packages:

    pip install six seaborn scikit-learn tensorboard captum jakteristics

1.3 Code and Folder

  • main.py is for training.

  • predict.py is for prediction.

  • data has a small test dataset.

  • checkpoints holds the model parameters. (3161th epoch in this case.)

  • predict_res will keep the prediction result.

2. Usage

2.1 For training:

For training model, you need go to the directory path-to-code/phd_mission/src, the main.py will be used for training. The useful parameters are explained below.

  • python main.py path-to-train path-to-validation label
    • path-to-train: a string. The directory path to training data. For example, we have one training data inside the train directory, it looks like : path-to-train/train/training_example.las
    • path-to-validation: a string. The directory path to validation data. Same to path-to-train.
    • label : a string. The feature name of your ground truth.
    • sample_size : an integer. The point number for one sample, the default value is 3000.
    • nb_epoch : an integer. The number of epoch you want to train ,default value is 300.
    • batch_size : an integer. The batch size, default value is 4.
    • voxel_size : a float. The size of voxelization for GVD, default value is 0.6.

Execution example

  • python main.py "path-to-data/train" "path-to-data/validation" "WL" --sample_size=3000 --nb_epoch=10000 --batch_size=16 --voxel_size=0.6

[*] Checkpoint Be attention, if you already have one checkpoint in side path-to-code/phd_mission/src/checkpoints, the number of this archive is bigger than your setting (like --nb_epoch=10000 set on execution example), the program will terminate.

2.2 For prediction

For prediction, you need go to the directory path-to-code/phd_mission/src, the predict.py will be used for predicting. The useful parameters are explained below.

  • python predict.py path-to-testfile path-to-checkpoint
    • path-to-testfile : a string. Path to the test file.
    • path-to-checkpoint : a string. path to the check point.
    • voxel_size : a float. The size of voxelization for GVD, default value is 0.6. Must be more consistent with training settings.
    • sample_size : an integer. The point number for one sample, the default value is 3000.
    • label : a string. The feature name of your ground truth.
  • python predict.py ./data/dls_merged_test.las --sample_size=3000 --label_name="WL" checkpoints/checkpoint_epoch_003161.pth

[*] --label_name For prediction, this is not important. If you have ground truth for the test data. Leave the name here, or you can just leave one feature name here.

  • The data will be processed as data_las = data_las[data_las[label_name]>0], So if you have missing points, maybe check your input label name? The default version have commented this line.

  • Inside the predict.py, you need to pay attentions on the point_format. The float type (e.g. float32 or float64) is crucial to coordinate precision. You can check the doc here.

**[*] ** tls_mode is activated par default.

3. Reproducibility

The epoch 0 weights (i.e. default weights) for network are now available in path-to-code/phd_mission/src/checkpoints_default_weights, I hope this facilitates reproducing my work.

  • In TLS_samplesize_20000_version, you can find the TLS version (dense pts version), the batch size is 20000.
  • In ULS_samplesize_3000_version, you can find the ULS version (drone data version), the batch size is 3000.

Because the code is able to resume from checkpoint, you can simply clear old checkpoints in src/checkpoints directory, add the latest ones, and run the code as usual.

4. Citation

If you find this repository help, please consider citing:

 author = {Bai, Yuchen and Durand, Jean-Baptiste and Vincent, Gr\'{e}goire and Forbes, Florence},
 booktitle = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},
 editor = {A. Oh and T. Neumann and A. Globerson and K. Saenko and M. Hardt and S. Levine},
 pages = {48293--48313},
 publisher = {Curran Associates, Inc.},
 title = {Semantic segmentation of sparse irregular point clouds for leaf/wood discrimination},
 volume = {36},
 year = {2023}