- abodyammar
- alerqueİzmir, Türkiye
- angellinaresSydney, Australia
- Avila-DiegoUNAL
- bghryctAbyss Type Company
- CharlesCreativeContentAmazon
- connordavenportSharp Type
- dandevriDandevri
- digitalyours
- exah@revolut-engineering
- githubashto@yandex
- irudiBerlin, Germany
- ivanmorenomxVeracruz, México
- jakeisnt@improvin
- lxstudio
- MathieuLoutreLondon, UK
- MattAppleton
- matthewboteilho
- maz9999
- mgollnick
- mheesakkersRotterdam
- mttymttMorning Type, Tipofili, and High Tide
- razdvapoka@zelloptt
- ribeirovictorBrazil
- SaGonz
- sannorozcoTypemade, FontBureau
- scottbomsThe Office of Scott Boms
- serialhexVero Beach, FL
- shbadrRiga, Latvia
- StudioTriple@velvetyne
- syddharthEarth
- thewildmage@wonderandwhimsy
- tomasdevGoogle
- typefactsBerlin
- usetheticsRg/B
- zcdliuweiSmall Design