
Bind9 zone file generator for Restdns

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A Bind9 zonefile generator for Restdns.


The fastest and more common way to install restdns-bind is using pip:

pip install restdns-bind


If you use Debian Wheezy, you can also use the Tecknet repositories. Add theses lines in your /etc/apt/source.list file:

deb http://debian.tecknet.org/debian wheezy tecknet
deb-src http://debian.tecknet.org/debian wheezy tecknet

Add the Tecknet repositories key in your keyring:

# wget http://debian.tecknet.org/debian/public.key -O - | apt-key add -

Then, update and install the restdns-bind package:

# aptitude update
# aptitude install restdns-bind


restdns-bind is designed to be executed periodically by a cron job. If you use the Debian package, an example crontab file has been installed in /etc/cron.d/restdns-bind. Otherwise, you can use this example file:

* * * * * bind restdns-bind http://my-restdns-server/ /etc/bind/restdns/


  • bind is the user used to launch restdns-bind (this user must be able to reload bind configuration)
  • http://my-restdns-server/ the base URL of your restdns instance
  • /etc/bind/restdns/ the path where to write the zone files

You can read the crontab manual to learn more about its format.

Once generated for a first time, you can start to configure your Bind daemon to serve your zones. restdns-bind generates for you a zones.conf file you can include in your Bind configuration. For example, add the following line in your /etc/bind/named.conf file:

include "/etc/bind/restdns/zones.conf";


restdns-bind is released under MIT license, copyright 2013 Antoine Millet.


You can send your pull-request for restdns-bind through Github:


I also accept well formatted git patches sent by email.

Feel free to contact me for any question/suggestion/patch: <antoine@inaps.org>.