
PDF scientific paper translation with preserved formats - 基于 AI 完整保留排版的 PDF 文档全文双语翻译,支持 Google/DeepL/Ollama/OpenAI 等服务,提供 CLI/GUI/Docker

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

English | 简体中文



PDF scientific paper translation and bilingual comparison.

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Demo 🌟

You can try our demo on HuggingFace without installation.
Note that the computing resources of the demo are limited, so please avoid abusing them.

Installation and Usage

We provide three methods for using this project: Commandline, GUI, and Docker.

Method I. Commandline

  1. Python installed (3.8 <= version <= 3.12)

  2. Install our package

    pip install pdf2zh
  3. Use:

    pdf2zh document.pdf

Method II. GUI

  1. Python installed (3.8 <= version <= 3.12)

  2. Install our package

    pip install pdf2zh
  3. Start using in browser:

    pdf2zh -i
  4. If your browswer has not been started automatically, goto


See documentation for GUI for more details.

Method III. Docker

  1. Pull and run:

    docker pull byaidu/pdf2zh
    docker run -p 7860:7860 byaidu/pdf2zh
  2. Open in browser:


For docker deployment on cloud service:

Deploy Deploy to Koyeb Deploy on Zeabur Deploy to Koyeb

Advanced Options

Execute the translation command in the command line to generate the translated document example-zh.pdf and the bilingual document example-dual.pdf in the current directory. Use Google as the default translation service.


In the following table, we list all advanced options for reference:

Option Function Example
-i Enter GUI pdf2zh -i
-p Partial document translation pdf2zh example.pdf -p 1
-li Source language pdf2zh example.pdf -li en
-lo Target language pdf2zh example.pdf -lo zh
-s Translation service pdf2zh example.pdf -s deepl
-t Multi-threads pdf2zh example.pdf -t 1
-f, -c Exceptions pdf2zh example.pdf -f "(MS.*)"

Some services require setting environmental variables. Please refer to ChatGPT for how to set environment variables.

Full / partial document translation

  • Entire document

    pdf2zh example.pdf
  • Part of the document

    pdf2zh example.pdf -p 1-3,5

Specify source and target languages

See Google Languages Codes, DeepL Languages Codes

pdf2zh example.pdf -li en -lo ja

Translate with Different Services

  • DeepL

    See DeepL

    Set ENVs to construct an endpoint like: {DEEPL_SERVER_URL}/translate

    • DEEPL_SERVER_URL (Optional), e.g., export DEEPL_SERVER_URL=https://api.deepl.com
    • DEEPL_AUTH_KEY, e.g., export DEEPL_AUTH_KEY=xxx
    pdf2zh example.pdf -s deepl
  • DeepLX

    See DeepLX

    Set ENVs to construct an endpoint like: {DEEPL_SERVER_URL}/translate

    • DEEPLX_SERVER_URL (Optional), e.g., export DEEPLX_SERVER_URL=https://api.deeplx.org
    • DEEPLX_AUTH_KEY, e.g., export DEEPLX_AUTH_KEY=xxx
    pdf2zh example.pdf -s deeplx
  • Ollama

    See Ollama

    Set ENVs to construct an endpoint like: {OLLAMA_HOST}/api/chat

    • OLLAMA_HOST (Optional), e.g., export OLLAMA_HOST=https://localhost:11434
    pdf2zh example.pdf -s ollama:gemma2
  • LLM with OpenAI compatible schemas (OpenAI / SiliconCloud / Zhipu)

    See SiliconCloud, Zhipu

    Set ENVs to construct an endpoint like: {OPENAI_BASE_URL}/chat/completions

    • OPENAI_BASE_URL (Optional), e.g., export OPENAI_BASE_URL=https://api.openai.com/v1
    • OPENAI_API_KEY, e.g., export OPENAI_API_KEY=xxx
    pdf2zh example.pdf -s openai:gpt-4o
  • Azure

    See Azure Text Translation

    Following ENVs are required:

    • AZURE_APIKEY, e.g., export AZURE_APIKEY=xxx
    • AZURE_ENDPOINT, e.g, export AZURE_ENDPOINT=https://api.translator.azure.cn/
    • AZURE_REGION, e.g., export AZURE_REGION=chinaeast2
    pdf2zh example.pdf -s azure

Translate wih exceptions

Use regex to specify formula fonts and characters that need to be preserved.

pdf2zh example.pdf -f "(CM[^RT].*|MS.*|.*Ital)" -c "(\(|\||\)|\+|=|\d|[\u0080-\ufaff])"

Specify threads

Use -t to specify how many threads to use in translation:

pdf2zh example.pdf -t 1




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