This Code Reads Analog Data From AS5600 Magnetic Encoder and Converts it to tick count for Robot.
include header file
#include "Encoder_count.h"
Create an Object
EncoderCount encoderForwardRight(A0, '+', -32768, 32767, 1023);
EncoderCount encoderForwardRight(AnalogPin, 'Direction', LowestTick, HighestTick, HighetAnalogValue);
Use getValue() method to read tick count.
As we will read analog value we have to connect Vcc to Vcc, GND to GND and Out Pin to Arduino Analog Pin.
If you buy AS5600 module make sure DIR pin is connected to GND or VDD. Otherwise noise can change the direction.
#include "Encoder_count.h"
//********* Encoder Object - Start**** (Analog, 'Direction', Encoder_lowest, Encoder_Highet, Analog_Highest_Value)******
EncoderCount encoderForwardRight(A0, '+', -32768, 32767, 1023); // Give - or + if you want to change the counting direction
EncoderCount encoderForwardLeft(A1, '-',-32768, 32767, 1023);
EncoderCount encoderAftRight(A2, '+',-32768, 32767, 1023);
EncoderCount encoderAftLeft(A3, '-',-32768, 32767, 1023);
//********* Encoder Object - End**********
void setup() {
void loop() {
Serial.print(encoderForwardRight.getValue()); Serial.print(" ");
Serial.print(encoderForwardLeft.getValue()); Serial.print(" ");
Serial.print(encoderAftRight.getValue()); Serial.print(" ");