
IT is a ESP-IDF project that interfaces the ILI9486 display(380x480). The display had 8-bit parallel interface with additionand 5 helper pins. It uses LVGL library for creating extraordinary graphics. The TFT library used in this project is modified version of github repository available here for ILI9486 and many other LCD displays with different interface scemes.


The features of this LCD project includes:

  1. ILI9486 8-bit parallel display(320x480) interface
  2. LVGLv8.3 for graphics (docs)
  3. Supports ESP32 and ESP32S3 as micontroller


ESP32S3 is untested for now

Pins assigned

Default pins for ESP32

LCD Pins Description
D0 12
D1 13
D2 26
D3 25
D4 18
D5 19
D6 27
D7 14
RD 2
WR 4
RS 15
CS 33

Default pins for ESP32S3



It is required to look at the pins and their functionalities in datasheet for specific microcontrollers used as not all the pins can be used; for example, some are used as input only, some are used for SPI flash. Assiging those pins for LCD interface cause problems.