
weather app, assignment task

Primary LanguageC++


This is a simple weather app built with Flutter. It shows the current weather information for a location. Users can search for a location and get its weather details.


help screen
home page screen
home page screen

App Description:

  • Splash Screen:

    • The app displays a splash screen on launch.
    • Users can skip the splash screen or it automatically navigates to the next screen after 5 seconds.
  • Home Screen:

  • Location Permission:

    • If the user opens the app for the first time, it asks for location permission.
    • Permission is managed using the permission_handler package.
  • Current Location Weather:

    • The app displays the current weather information based on the user's location.
    • It uses the geolocator package to get the device's location.
  • Search Weather by Location:

    • Users can search for weather information for any location.
    • Searched locations are stored using shared preferences, so the app remembers the last searched location.