This project is no longer supported. Use angular-cli instead
Do you want to learn Angular 2 ? Do you want to build an Angular 2 application from a simple basis ? Do you need an assistance in your development ? Angular2gen has been made for you!
Angular 2 is a new framework totally different from AngularJS 1 and other JavaScript frameworks. Everybody starts Angular2 from 0 (almost :P). In consequence, two important axes appear as the key to succeed your first Angular2 development: simplicity and assistance.
That the reason why we built angular2gen, a Yeoman generator for Angular 2, with two goals in mind:
- Be able to create a simple and intuitive project structure according to the tools you would like to use.
- Be able to generate everything you need for your development: components, directives, services, global styles.
We developed also several Gulp task for launching the application (Sass and typescript compilation), live reload etc...
Install NodeJS: Use the NodeJS Installer
Install Yeoman: Open shell and run:
npm install -g yo
- Install angular2gen
npm install -g yo generator-angular2gen
- Run angular2gen:
yo angular2gen
Just after running the previous command, angular2gen will ask you the name of your project and which tools would you like to use. For tools, it can install:
- Bootstrap (v4.0.0-alpha.2) or Foundation
- Font Awesome.
Your project name: NameOfYourfirstApp
Would you like to use Bootstrap ? (Y/N) N
Would you like to use Foundation ? (Y/N) Y
Would you like to use FontAwesome ? (Y/N) Y
If you think tools are missing, do not hesitate to contact us and tell us which tools should be interesting to use in an Angular 2 app!
###Folder architecture
When your project has been generated, you will find the following structure
- package.json
- src
│_ main.ts
│_ routeur.ts
│_ index.html
- components
- app
- +about
- +home
- core
│_ app.component.html
│_ app.component.scss
│_ app.component.spec.ts
│_ app.component.ts
- shared
- services
- src
- test
- directives
- src
- test
- pipes
- src
- test
- styles
- assets
- gulp
- manual_typings
- typings
In order to specify these folders as lazy loaded folders. Lazy loading is widespread practice which consists in loading only the files you need in your page. The "+" annotation allows you to specify which of your component should be lazy loaded. For more information, you can check the tutorial wrote by Minko Gechev on Lazy Loading. You can also check the Angular 2 style guide for more information on angular 2 guidelines.
In order to assist you in angular 2 learning and in your development, we are developing a set of common component. The folder core will contain all the common component we are developing: login, logout, headers, footers, cards etc...
If you would like to participate in this library development, do not hesitate to contact us (cf. contact us part bellow) or open a pull request.
Our main goal is to create a huge set of components with tones of different design, behavior etc...
When the project has been generated, you can run the application with the following command:
gulp serve
To run tests and work on TDD mode, you can run the following command right just after the one above:
gulp karma:dev
To generate a component, you just have to run the following command in your shell:
yo angular2gen:component Name
We made this choice for two reasons:
- Avoid conflict between names of your components, services and directives
- Better maintanability and modifiability. A quick eye on the file and you know variables role.
The command will create the folder name-of-your-component in the folder components with the following files:
- name-of-your-component
│_ name-of-your-component.component.html: The html file of the component
│_ name-of-your-component.component.scss or css (depends on Sass installation): The css file of the component
│_ name-of-your-component.component.spec.ts: The test file of the component
│_ name-of-your-component.component.ts: The component
│_ index.ts: Barel of your component
####What is a barel ?
A barel is a file that imports, aggregates, and re-exports items. We use them for several reasons:
- A barrel aggregates many imports into a single import.
- A barrel reduces the number of imports a file may need.
- A barrel provides a consistent pattern to import everything exported in the barrel from a folder.
- This is consistent with a pattern from Node, which imports the index.js|ts file from a folder.
- A barrel shortens import statements.
####Specify a destination folder You can also specify a destination folder when you generate your component. For instance, if you would like to create a new component into the folder +about, you just have to run the following command:
yo angular2gen:component +about/Name
To generate a directive, run the following command in your shell:
yo angular2gen:directive Name
For instance, you run yo angular2gen:directive Draggable, the name of the class will be DraggableDirective
As you have seen in the folder architecture of the generator, the folder directives has two folders: one for the sources src and another for the tests test
- src
│_ draggable.directive.ts : The main file of your directive
- test
│_ draggable.directive.spec.ts: The test file of your directive
As for components, you can specify the path where you would like to create the directive.
yo angular2gen:pipe behaviour/Draggable
The previous command will create the following structure:
- src
│_ draggable.directive.ts: The main file of your directive
- test
│_cdraggable.spec.ts: The test file of your directive
To generate a service, run the following command in your shell:
yo angular2gen:service Name
For instance, you run yo angular2gen:service CallDataBase, the name of the class will be CallDataBaseService
As for directives, services follow the same architecture with two folders: one for the sources src and another for the tests test
- src
│_ call-data-base.service.ts : The main file of your service
- test
│_ call-data-base.service.spec.ts: The test file of your service
As for components, you can specify the path where you would like to create the service.
yo angular2gen:pipe userService/CallDataBase
The previous command will create the following structure:
- src
│_ call-data-base.service.ts: The main file of your service
- test
│_call-data-base.service.spec.ts: The test file of your service
To generate a pipe, run the following command in your shell:
yo angular2gen:pipe Name
For instance, you run yo angular2gen:pipe TransformUpperCase, the name of the class will be TransformUpperCasePipe
The previous command will generate the following files:
- src
│_ transform-upper-case.pipe.ts : The main file of your pipe
- test
│_ transform-upper-case.pipe.spec.ts: The test file of your pipe
As for components, you can specify the path where you would like to create the pipe.
yo angular2gen:pipe textTransformation/TransformUpperCase
The previous command will create the following structure:
- src
│_ transform-upper-case.pipe.ts : The main file of your pipe
- test
│_ transform-upper-case.pipe.spec.ts: The test file of your pipe
If you want to add a javascript npm dependency in your index.html, you just need to:
- open the gulp.conf.js file,
- seek for the JS_NPM_DEPENDENCIES const
- add a line like this one (the inject tag can be 'libs' or 'shims'):
{src: 'node_modules/your_module/file_to_include.js', inject: 'libs'}
If you want to add a css npm dependency in your index.html, you just need to:
- open the gulp.conf.js file,
- seek for the CSS_NPM_DEPENDENCIES const
- add a line like this one (the inject tag can only be 'libs'):
{src: 'node_modules/your_module/file_to_include.css', inject: 'libs'}
Your NPM dependencies will be automatically included in your index.html when you start the 'gulp serve' command.
If you want to add a javascript or css dependency of your project in your index.html, you just need to:
- open the gulp.conf.js file,
- seek for the PROJECT_DEPENDENCIES const
- add a line like this one (the inject tag can only be 'project'):
{src: 'path_to_the_file_to_be_included.(css|js)', inject: 'project'}
Your project dependencies will be automatically included in your index.html when you start the 'gulp serve' command.
###Missing Functionalities
We haven't finished the generator yet. We have several missing functionalities:
- Update the initial application in the generator to an app with a menu and several elements to have a real home page
- Give the possibility to user to choose its first application: blank project or a first application
- Develop new gulp tasks for testing and application deployement.
Do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions, needs, requests ... You can do it by GitHub, directly by email or by Linkedin: