Project description

Music Playlist Management System project is a web-based music management system with two distinct user roles: Music Admins and Music Listeners. Music Admins have unrestricted access to the system, allowing them to manage music and user databases by adding or deleting music and viewing or banning users. Meanwhile, Music Listeners can utilize the web application to search, create, and manage playlists, adding or removing music as desired. To handle large volumes of data, a distributed database system employing MongoDB and a secure hash function for efficient data storage and retrieval will be implemented, ensuring scalability and performance.

You can view the walkthrough of the project and code flow explanation at the following link:

Installation for MongoDB

brew install mongodb-community
brew services start mongodb/brew/mongodb-community

The following command will start MongoDB locally:


Installation for Django

Git clone the project:

Create a virtual environment(optional) and install the requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Run Django

Run migrations:

python migrate

Start the development server:

python runserver


The Django web server (Music listener's page) can be found at:

The Django web server (Music admin's page) can be found at:

File directory description ReadME of the file File in Django used for administrative tasks such as starting the development server, running database migrations, and managing applications.
requirements.txt: contains all the requirements(dependencies of the file)

./accounts: (main directory - views has python scripts to handle the operations) contains accounts app contains sample models This file defines views and helper functions for managing user authentication, displaying songs and trendy songs, displaying playlists, playlist creation hash function and songs within a playlist, and searching songs and artist in a Django web application, interacting with a MongoDB database. pycache
templates This file defines views and helper functions for an admin interface in a Django web application, enabling functionalities such as editing, deleting, searching, and viewing music, displaying users and banning them, and viewing playlists and songs within them, music insertion hashing with interaction with a MongoDB database for data storage and retrieval. migrations contains urls of the system

./accounts/data_insertion_scripts: ( views have python scripts for sample data insertion and urls have front end url - python function mapping) Scripts for inserting music in the DB Scripts for inserting playlist in the DB Scripts for inserting MusicPlaylistMappingInsert in the DB Scripts for inserting users

./accounts/templates:(front end html, css, bootstrap files)

home.html: contains HTML for home page
search_results.html: contains HTML for displaying search results page all_songs.html: contains HTML for displaying all songs page playlist.html: contains HTML for displaying all songs page single_playlist.html: contains HTML for displaying all playlists create_playlist.html: contains HTML for creating a playlist
song_added.html: contains HTML for displaying song added success message


add_music.html: contains HTML for adding music in the system admin_playlists_page.html: contains HTML for viewing playlists
delete_user_success.html: user deleted success message add_music_success.html: music added success message
admin_single_playlist.html: contains HTML for viewing songs in playlist
edit_music_success.html: contains HTML for edit music success admin_control.html: Admin home page
admin_users_page.html: contains HTML for displaying all users page
search_music.html: contains HTML for searching songs or artist
delete_music_success.html: music deleted success message
view_all_music.html: contains HTML for viewing all music


login.html: contains HTML for login page signup.html: contains HTML for signup page