
SMS span filter GUI application built to try out the DearPyGUI framework

Primary LanguagePython

SMS spam filter GUI app built to test DearPyGUI framework

This app is a simple spam filter app built using NLTK for the NLP functions and DearPyGUI for the GUI (obviously!). It is a replication of the app build in this video.

Unfortunately, the original codebase was built using an older version of the dearpygui app, hence I've replicated the app with the newest API of DearPyGUI.

Steps to run the app locally

Clone this repository

git clone https://github.com/Nachimak28/sms_spam_filter_gui

Change directory into the sms_spam_filter_gui

cd sms_spam_filter_gui

Install the dependencies - preferrably in conda or vitrual env

pip install -r requirements.txt

Change directory into spam_sms_identifier folder

cd spam_sms_identifier

Run the code

python app.py

Feel free to create issues if you face any problems running the app.