#NGINX node.js API
Node.js API to create/delete NGINX server configuration files.
Used from https://landingpage.services to add custom domains support.
##How I use it
When I need landingpage.services to catch a new domain, I call the node.js API endpoint api/cname
indicating the domain and the real page location. The node.js server then calls a bash script that creates the new NGINX configuration file.
NGINX server configuration file example:
server {
listen 80;
server_name www.trackphone.us;
location = / {
rewrite ^.* /gps-tracking-app.html;
location / {
proxy_pass https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/files.landingpage.services/us-west-2:1234sb-4f84-432b-96d7-7f54gdaa034/;
The project is also available at cloud9 https://c9.io/nachocoll/landingpage-services-nginx-api/