
Peer2Peer Coordinator

Primary LanguageJavaScript

NachoNight Peer2Peer Coordinator

Be aware that, since Peer requires to be ran on top of a HTTPS server, a generateSSL script has been provided. It is located in the scripts folder. This should be ran before attempting to start the Node server.


  • npm start - Runs the Node server.

  • npm run dev - Runs the Node server using Nodemon.

Test client:

In /app/test-client/, two HTML files can be found: index.html and test.html.

Depending on your environment, you should change the following code in both files to establish a connection with the server.

Make sure that the following is true for both files:

  • The host and port match
  • Provide the same custom peer ID


// ignacius is a custom peer ID.
const peer = new Peer('ignacius', { host: 'localhost', port: 8000 }); // Line 32


const peer = new Peer({ host: 'localhost', port: 8000 }); // Line 32
// Connect to a peer using their ID
const connection = peer.connect('ignacius'); // Line 33

Testing the P2P connection

While the NODE_ENV is set to development, two testing endpoints will be exposed by the API.

The /test will load the page where you can start a screen-sharing stream. Once you've started a stream, you can go ahead and go to the /session/ignacius endpoint, where you will be able to see the stream as a new peer.