
Utility for producing mobile-friendly video zoom/pan sequences from KA videos

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Requires python >= 3.5.

Install ffmpeg: brew install ffmpeg

Install python dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt

Optionally, install extra dev tools: pip install ipython pip install git+git://github.com/python/mypy.git


From the project root directory, run: bin/run_mvz.py <youtube_id>

If this has never been run on the video before, this will take a long time (in the neighborhood of 15 min per 1 min of video). In the future, the slow image processing steps are cached in the ./cache directory. (You can bust the cache and recompute everything by running bin/run_mvz.py --bust-cache <youtube_id>.)

Output ends up in the ./output directory. There will be one png for each frame (which you can probably ignore), one mp4 file containing the cropped output video, and a csv containing bounding boxes for each frame. The csv has one line per 1/15s frame, with columns left, top, right, bottom coordinates. (The coordinate system is such that upper left is (0, 0).)