
Image Reverse Search Bot🕵️‍♂️🔍: A handy Telegram bot for reverse image searches on images, videos, and GIFs, supporting multiple search engines. Unleash the power of reverse searching! 🚀🤖

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

Image Reverse Search Bot 🕵️‍♂️🔍

License: LGPL-3.0 GitHub Stars GitHub Forks GitHub Issues GitHub Pull Requests
Author: Nachtalb Telegram: Nachtalb Bot: Image Reverse Search

⚠️ Heads up, folks!: Our trusty bot is currently undergoing a complete makeover! I'm actively developing on the na/v2 branch, so make sure to keep an eye on that one instead of master.

About 🌟

Introducing Image Reverse Search, your friendly Telegram bot that helps you perform reverse image searches for images, videos, and GIFs! 📷🎞️🎉 With support for a wide range of search engines, you'll get results directly within Telegram for some, while others will provide an inline button leading you to the engine's reverse search website. It's like having your personal detective right in your pocket! 🕵️‍♂️

Installation 🛠️

  1. Clone the repository like a pro!
  2. Copy config.example.json to config.json and fill in the top-secret information.
  3. Make sure the treasure trove of the downloads folder is accessible via the file_url provided.
  4. Install the bot using the magical command poetry install.
  5. Finally, unleash the bot with poetry run start-bots!

Parity with Old Version 🕰️

Our dear bot is missing a few tricks from its older self. Here's what's not yet implemented:

  • Inline results for Pixiv 🖼️
  • Generic SauceNAO results 🌐
  • MangaDex 📚
  • Anilist 📝
  • Trace.moe 🎥
  • Generic IQDB results 🌐
  • Baidu search link 🇨🇳

License 📄

This project is proudly licensed under the LGPL-3.0 License. 😎