Computer graphics final assessment report

Group No. 6

Name Sec B.N Email
Nada Ashraf 2 38
Khalid Maher 1 28
Ali Gamal 2 9
Ayman Mohamad 1 20


Compile and run


Keyboard controls


Animation key
Robot Walking n
Robot Staning m
Robot Running b
Robot Turning Left z
Robot Turning Right x
Robot Killing a man k


Movement key
Moving Forward w
Moving Backward s
Turning Right d
Turning Left a
Turning Up q
Turning Down e


There's 3 objects used in the application:

  1. Object of a man who get killed by the robot
  2. Object of a gun which the robot use to kill the man
  3. Object of an oil drum just to add some spice to the scene


The user can change between several textures using a menu opens on right click.

Implementation details

The application cosists of the following classes:

Class Description
RobotBody Draw and control robot body movements
Camera Initializes and controls camera
Surface Draws a rectangular surface with a Texture put on it
ObjectHandler Loading object files and drawing them into the scene


  • For camera movements we used the function rotate() which for transformation to be applied to all scene points, the function, we send axis of rotation and angle of rotation each call

  • For turn_up() , turn_down() movements, we call rotate() function twice, once with eye vector and the other with up vector.

  • For turn_right() , turn_left() movements, we call rotate() function only one time with the eye vector since the vertical direction with of the camera is parallel to the Up vector so what we need to do is to rotate all scene around up vector (only the eye is changed).


  • The position array is passed by the user when constructing the body, it defines where will the body be in the scene.
  • The body is holding a sword in his hand, so it's sent to the body constructor to create a new ObjectHandler instance.


  • The vertices array is passed by the user and it defines the 4 vertices that are going to draw the surface.
  • The change_texture method takes the name of texture file and load it.
  • The display_surface draws the surface with the loaded texture.


  • The object is loaded using glmReadOBJ() function which is from glm library, this library loads OBJ files and MTL files, and can display them using OpenGL.

  • The object position is defined by variables: x, y, z, angle_y, angle_x, scale, these variables determine the position, scale and angle of the drawn object. They are passed by the user when constructing the object.

Main function

  • initalization()— Initialize OpenGL Graphics

  • display()— Handler for window-repaint event. Called back when the window first appears and whenever the window needs to be re-painted. display() do the following:

    • Initialize camera

    • Define materials properties

    • Define color Properties

    • Display robot

    • Display surfaces

    • Display drum object

    • Display al capone

  • keyboard_control()— Handler for kayboard events to control body movements through keyboard keys.

  • walking_timer() — Timer for walking movement

  • kill_timer() — Timer for killing the al capone

  • choose_floor_menu() — Handler for texture menu

  • change_floor_to() — Handler for changing floor texture

  • main()— application runs starting from main()

Problems faced

  • We faced some problems with compiling the project at first because it's a multi-class application, then we realized we should construct a header file for each class and import it instead of importing the cpp file, and we made a cmake file for compoling the project to make things more organized.

Computer Graphics Biomedical Applications

Computer graphics applications are used extensively in medical training. From the early anatomy or biology classes in schools, where children are starting to use computers to interact and discover the human body, to advanced professional-oriented courses, 3D graphic applications are the key to medical skill building.

Many applications out there include static 3D models that do not require real-time effort as model, textures and layers are pre-calculated and simply processed for viewing from one angle or another.

In our application we learned how to draw a robot body, load an object and interact with it, also we learned how to use camera to view from different angles, these skills are the basics of some applications such as ZygoteBody


  • ObjectaHandler and Surface classes use imageloader.cpp and glm.cpp internally, glm.cpp and imageloader.cpp were provided to us in Tutorial 5 and we did not write them ourselves.
  • glm